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Frank's POV. I'd been on the other side of the country for a whole day

I'd been on the other side of the country for a whole day. The work-related shit I had to go to was boring and the hotel was boring. There wasn't an hour that passed when I didn't think about Gerard. By the time I got home that night after having dinner with a bunch of other tattoo artists, who were interesting to talk to, but weren't the same as talking to Gerard, I went to call my man. It was 9pm here, so it was 12am there. I hoped he hadn't gone to sleep yet.

"Hey you," he answered after the second ring.

"Hey. My god, it's so good hearing your voice. How did you pick up the phone so fast?" I asked him.

"I sorta kinda was reading a comic book while waiting by the phone," he replied. I could tell that he would've been blushing on the other end of the phone.

"You know, that's probably one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever done, waiting for me to call," I told him. I knew he was probably now smiling at what I'd said.

"So what've you been up to today?" Gerard asked me.

"Today we had to listen to lectures. They were all promoting shit. Tomorrow we learn how to use the shit and get to trial it on willing subjects," I said. "Then, the next day we have off, the day after is more product promotion as is the day after that. Then on Saturday we have the'thank you for coming' luncheon and then I catch my plane as soon as that shit is over," I informed him.

"Damn. Why couldn't the owner go to that?" I asked him.

"I know, right?" Everyone else here is excited to be here. They've brought their girlfriends. I haven't told them that I'm gay. They don't need to know," I told him.

"Yeah. I don't want you getting beaten up by any homophobic people," Gerard said, sounding worried.

"Oh, I can take them. I'll just throw them all the way over the other side of town," I said, making Gerard chuckle. "They asked me today whether I had a girlfriend and I told them I didn't and now they want me to go out clubbing with them. I don't plan on going. I plan on staying here and using your dildo while talking to you," I explained.

"You know what would be hot?" Gerard questioned.

"What?" I asked.

"If you were to record yourself using the dildo and then sent my phone the video," he said in a suggestive tone. I giggled.

"It would be even more hot if you then sent me a video of yourself, in your Dark Ninja outfit while using your vibrator," I told him.

"I'll send you a video of me if you send me a video of you," he requested.

"Deal. We'll send them tomorrow or something," I decided. That way, I could use Gerard's dildo tonight, record the video and then send it his way tomorrow.

"Ok," he replied, sounding pleased.

"So how was your day today?" I asked him.

"It was so busy, but I managed to do everything. There was a difficult customer who was complaining that she got a tattoo a couple of years ago when she was skinny and then she grew really obese before getting a gastric bypass surgery and now she's really skinny and her tattoo is all stretched. I had to tell her that it was not our problem and that she'd signed a contract stating that we accepted no liability if the person's tattoo were to alter due to change in body shape. But it's all good now. I gave her the owner's number and she's gonna talk to him about it. I figured that if he could send you away from me for a week, then he could deal with that woman as payback" he spoke, making me laugh hard.

"Oh my god, he so deserves to deal with that shit. So how was superheroing?" I asked him.

"Well, the shit-heads are back. They tried to pull another stunt like they did the other day, except this time it was worse. They tried to get us three times today. Once when we were saving a kid from a car crash, another from saving a parachuter who'd got stuck in a tree and another time when we were helping a dog who'd been injured in central park. Each time, we all stuck together and Erica blasted them with ice while Mikey shielded us. I wanted to fire-blast them but Erica said not to. She said that things are getting more dangerous and that we need to find a time to catch them off guard in their pool house to get them. We've decided that we need to surveillance them so that we can figure out the best time to get them. So tomorrow, Erica is gonna go visit them while I invisibly set up cameras and shit. Erica is getting all the technology ready tonight. We're gonna have TVs at her apartment and they're gonna be hooked up to her phone so that she can watch them at work," Gerard explained.

"You're going back into their pool house?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he replied.

"You had better fucking be careful. I don't want you to die," I warned him. "I want to come back to a boyfriend, not a boyfriend's funeral," I added.

"I promise I'll be careful. Plus Erica's there to help distract Bob. She's gonna morph her belly a little to give it a small baby bump for him to coo all over. Oh and guess what?!" Gerard exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"Mikey's gonna move into Erica's apartment!" he said excitedly.

"Really?" I asked. "When?"

"The day after you come back. Then we get the apartment all to ourselves! We can fuck as loud as we want," he said enthusiastically, making me giggle.

"Oh and on Wednesday, my Mom's coming to visit again," Gerard said.

"For how long?" I asked him.

"Hopefully only overnight. But that means no phone sex on that night," he spoke. I sighed before remembering something.

"Wednesday's my day off. We can have phone sex during the day. Just bring your vibrator to work with you," I said to him. He was silent on the other end.

"What if the others hear the buzzing sound?" he questioned.

"Relax. They won't hear. I've done a lot of crazy shit in that office that no one knows about."

"Ok, if you're sure," he said.

"I am. Anyways, it's probably really late there. And you need to sleep so that you can make me your video of you and your vibrator tomorrow," I said to him.

"Yeah, you're right. I gotta get up early tomorrow," he spoke.

"I'll call you tomorrow night. I'll try to call earlier next time," I told him.

"Ok. I love you," he spoke.

"I love you too."

We both hung up and I got to work in trying to construct a tripod for my camera phone so that it could film me getting off on the dildo. At least this task would keep me preoccupied for a little while.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 151; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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