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And there was a great deal more in that than you would think.


Because, five weeks later (потому что пять недель спустя), there was a heat-wave in the Red Sea (в /районе/ Красного моря был период сильной жары), and everybody took off all the clothes they had (и все поснимали всю одежду, какая у них была). The Parsee took off his hat (Парс снял свою шляпу); but the Rhinoceros took off his skin (а Носорог снял свою шкуру) and carried it over his shoulder (и нес ее через /свое/ плечо) as he came down to the beach to bathe (когда он спускался на пляж покупаться). In those days it buttoned underneath with three buttons (в те дни она застегивалась внизу на три пуговицы) and looked like a waterproof (и была похожа на дождевик; waterproof — непромокаемый плащ). He said nothing whatever about the Parsee’s cake (он не сказал абсолютно ничего о Парсовом пироге), because he had eaten it all (потому что он съел его весь); and he never had any manners, then, since, or henceforward (и у него не было хороших манер тогда, с тех пор и впредь). He waddled straight into the water and blew bubbles through his nose (вразвалочку он вошел прямо в воду и стал выдувать = пускать пузыри через /свой/ нос), leaving his skin on the beach (оставив /свою/ шкуру на пляже = берегу).


clothes [klquDz], bathe [beID], henceforward ["hens'fLwqd]


Because, five weeks later, there was a heat-wave in the Red Sea, and everybody took off all the clothes they had. The Parsee took off his hat; but the Rhinoceros took off his skin and carried it over his shoulder as he came down to the beach to bathe. In those days it buttoned underneath with three buttons and looked like a waterproof. He said nothing whatever about the Parsee’s cake, because he had eaten it all; and he never had any manners, then, since, or henceforward. He waddled straight into the water and blew bubbles through his nose, leaving his skin on the beach.


Presently the Parsee came by and found the skin (некоторое время спустя мимо проходил Парс и нашел шкуру), and he smiled one smile (и он улыбнулся одной улыбкой) that ran all round his face two times (которая пробежала по всему его лицу два раза). Then he danced three times round the skin and rubbed his hands (потом он сплясал три раза вокруг шкуры и потер /свои/ руки).

Then he went to his camp (потом он пошел в свой лагерь) and filled his hat with cake-crumbs (и наполнил свою шляпу крошками от пирога), for the Parsee never ate anything but cake (так как Парс никогда не ел ничего кроме пирогов), and never swept out his camp (и никогда не подметал свой лагерь; to sweep out — подметать). He took that skin (он взял ту шкуру), and he shook that skin (и он потряс ту шкуру; to shake — трясти), and he scrubbed that skin (и он поскреб ту шкуру), and he rubbed that skin (и он потер ту шкуру) just as full of old, dry, stale, tickly cake-crumbs and some burned currants as ever it could possibly hold (как раз настолько полную старых, сухих, черствых, щекотных крошек от пирога и нескольких горелых коринок, сколько она могла удержать; possibly — возможно; может быть). Then he climbed to the top of his palm-tree and waited for the Rhinoceros to come out of the water and put it on (потом он забрался на верхушку своей пальмы и стал ждать, когда Носорог выйдет из воды и наденет ее[23]; to put on — надевать).


found [faund], ate [et], palm [pRm]



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