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YEAR 3 Grade 8

Criterion A. One world

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student states the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or issues. The student states the effectiveness of science and its application in solving problems or issues.
3-4 The student describes the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or issues. The student describes the effectiveness of science and its application in solving problems or issues. The student attempts to state how science and its application interact with some of the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental.
5-6 The student explains the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or issues. The student discusses the effectiveness of science and its application in solving problems or issues. The student describes how science and its application interact with some of the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental.


Criterion B. Communication in science

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student uses few appropriate communication modes, such as written, graphic, symbolic, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered, to effectively communicate theories, ideas and findings in science. The student makes attempt to document sources of information.
3-4 The student uses some scientific language correctly. The student uses some appropriate communication modes to effectively communicate theories, ideas and findings in science. The student partially documents sources of information.
5-6 The student uses sufficient scientific language correctly. The student uses sufficient appropriate communication modes to effectively communicate theories, ideas and findings in science. The student fully documents sources of information correctly.


Criterion C. Knowledge and understanding of science

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student recalls some scientific knowledge and attempts to construct scientific explanations, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered.
3-4 The student recalls scientific knowledge and uses scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations. The student applies scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems in familiar situations, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student attempts to analyse and evaluate information critically and make some comments.
5-6 The student recalls scientific knowledge and uses scientific understanding correctly to construct scientific explanations. The student applies scientific understanding to solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations. The student analyses and evaluates information critically and make comments on the validity and quality of the information supported by scientific understanding.


Criterion D. Scientific inquiry

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student attempts to state a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student attempts to formulate a hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning (“If I do this, then this will happen because … ”), consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered.
3-4 The student states a focused problem or research question and makes a hypothesis but doesn’t explain it using scientific reasoning. The student attempts to designand carry out scientific investigation that include variables and controls, materials and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student makes some comments on the method, and the accuracy and precision of the data.
5-6 The student states a clear focused problem or research question, formulates a testable hypothesis and explains it using scientific reasoning. The student designs and carries out scientific investigation that include variables and controls, materials and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student makes comments on how the hypothesis is supported or not by the data/outcome of the investigation.


Criterion E. Processing data

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student attempts to collect and record some data using units of measurement as and when appropriate. The student organizes and presentsdata using numerical (including mathematical calculations) and visual forms (tables, graphs and charts). The student attempts to analyse data/information to identify trends, patterns and relationships. The student attempts to draw conclusions consistent with the analysis and interpretation of the data that are supported by scientific reasoning.
3-4 The student collectand recorddata using units of measurement as and when appropriate. The student transforms and presents data using numerical (including mathematical calculations) and visual forms (tables, graphs and charts). The student attempts to analyse data/information, identify trends, patterns and relationships. The student attempts to draw a conclusionconsistent with the analysis and interpretation of the data that are supported by scientific reasoning.
5-6 The student collect and record data using units of measurement as and when appropriate. The student transformsand presents data using numerical (including mathematical calculations) and visual forms (tables, graphs and charts) correctly. The student states trends, patterns and relationships and use the data to convey understanding/interpretation. The student draws conclusions consistent with the analysis and interpretation of the data that are supported by scientific reasoning.


Criterion F. Attitudes in science

Achievement level Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student requires some guidance to work safely and some assistance when using material and equipment. The student requires some guidance to work responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others.
3-4 The student requires little guidance to work safely and little assistance when using material and equipment. The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student cooperates with others on most occasions.
5-6 The student requires no guidance to work safely and uses material and equipment competently. The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student cooperates with others.



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