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III. Grammar Exercises. Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences) Тип предложения Придаточное условное предложение Главное предложение I тип Present

Условные предложения (Conditional Sentences)

Тип предложения Придаточное условное предложение Главное предложение
I тип Present Simple Future Simple
Реальное условие. Изъявительное наклонение If he comes, If he should come, Should he come, Åñëè он ïðèäåò, ü ý he will help us. þ он ïîìîæåò нам.
  II тип   Past Simple should, wouldü could, might ý+ V þ
Маловероятное или нереальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени. Сослагательное наклонение. If he came, If he should come, Should he come, Åñëè бы он ïðèшел,   If he were here, Were he here,   Åñëè áû он áûë здесь, ü ý he would help us. þ он ïîìîã áû нам. ü ý he would help us. þ он ïîìîã áû нам.
  III тип   Past Perfect should, wouldü could, might ý+have+ V3 þ
Нереальное или не­вы­полнимое усло­вие, от­носящееся к прошед­шему вре­мени. Сослагатель­ное наклонение. If he hadcome, Had he come, Åñëè бы он ïðèшел,   ü ý he would have helped us. þ он ïîìîã áû нам.  

7. Make up as many sentences as you can using the given table:

If I had a holiday If he|I were ill If the weather were fine today If there were your mother's birthday today If I were you If they didn't have to go to the Institute If you were tired If she|I had free time If you had much money I (we) should (would)   they (she, he) see the doctor travel round the world have a rest buy a present go for a walk stay at home go to the seaside help read many interesting books  

8. Translate the following sentences:

1. Steven Jobs reasoned that if computers were made easier to use and less expensive, the public would buy them. 2. If you wanted to buy or sell corporate securities, you would probably call upon the services of a local brokerage firm. 3. If the corporation prospers over the years, its stocks will increase in value. 4. If the population were to grow at a faster rate than production, average living standards would fall. 5. If the public prefers to buy now and save later, less will be available for investment. 6.If a firm sought to muximize its losses, it would be unable to pay its bills. 7.If a country consumes everything that it produces, the ability of that country to produce in the future will remain unchanged. 8. If, however, something is set aside out of current production, it could be used as capital to produce more in the future.

9. Read the text and retell it in Russian:


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