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Function Overview

This section describes the RL-FlashFS functions, which are grouped into the following categories:

  • File I/O Routines perform file read and write operations.
  • File Maintenance Routines perform file management operations.
  • File Time Support Routines set time and date stamps.
  • Flash Driver Routines perform read, write, and erase operations on Flash memory devices.
  • FAT Driver Routines perform read, write, and erase operations on FAT media.
  • MCI Driver Routines perform communication operations with a memory card in SD-Native mode.
  • SPI Driver Routines perform communication operations with a memory card or SPI data Flash device.
  • NAND Driver Routines perform communication operations with a NAND Flash device.
  • IOC Interface Routines perform communication with all media devices that support FAT.
  • System Routines to initialize the RL-FlashFS system or drive.

File I/O Routines

§ File I/O routines provide methods for reading and writing to files in a Flash file system. File I/O routines are not reentrant.

Routine Description
fclose Closes the file stream.
feof Reports whether the end of stream has been reached.
ferror Reports whether there is an error in the file stream.
fflush Flushes the file stream.
fgetc Reads a character from the file stream.
fgets Reads a string from the file stream.
fopen Opens the file stream.
fprintf Writes a formatted string to the file stream.
fputc Writes a character to the file stream.
fputs Writes a string to the file stream.
fread Reads a number of bytes from the file stream.
fscanf Reads a formatted string from the file stream.
fseek Moves the file stream's in-file pointer to a new location.
ftell Gets the current location of the stream's in-file pointer.
fwrite Writes a number of bytes to the file stream.
rewind Moves the file stream's in-file pointer to the beginning of the file.
ungetc Stores a character into an input file stream.


File Maintenance Routines

File maintenance routines perform file management operations. The routines are not reentrant.

Routine File System Description
fanalyse EFS Checks the drive for fragmentation.
fcheck EFS Checks the consistency of the drive.
fdefrag EFS Defragments the drive.
fdelete EFS, FAT Deletes the specified file.
ffind EFS, FAT Performs a pattern-matching search for filenames.
fformat EFS, FAT Formats the drive.
ffree EFS, FAT Calculates the free space in the drive.
frename EFS, FAT Changes the name of the file.



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