

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Текст 6. The New Management

In the 21s1 century, managers looking to get ahead will need a completely different set of skills. Technology, products, markets, and customers are changing fast, and corporations will need managers that can handle uncertainty. These leaders will also need the ability to work as part of a team, have concerns for the needs of employees, and also have a sense of humor.

In order to survive, corporations will have to establish an increasing number of partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and their most

important customers. Leaders will have to rely more than ever on their staff to act independently to maintain these relationships. As a result, they will also need to build a different kind of relationship with the people who work for them: based on trust, rather than seniority. The best leaders will favor a team-based approach to management.

In addition, skilled employees will be more in demand, so they will be freer to come and go as they please. Managers will have to make more of an effort to attract new talent and to respond to the needs of their existing employees. Listening skills and a desire to help people could well become important qualities in a successful manager. Also, increased globalization will require sensitivity to other people's traditions and languages.

Ш Виды письменного перевода

Иногда переводчику бывает необходимо не просто перевести текст, но и подвергнуть обработке состав информации, сложность ее подачи, стиль. Переводчик)' могут дать задание сделать выборочный перевод текста или просто черновой (рабочий) перевод. В зависимости от этих задач различаются разные виды обработки текста при переводе или разные виды перевода. Например:

Рабочий (информационный) перевод - неотредактированный перевод, в основном пригодный для практического использования, но не оформленный для опубликования.

Адаптация - приспособление текста к уровню компетентности реципиента, упрощение текста.

Выборочный перевод - из текста нужно перевести только сведения на определенную тему. Переводчик предварительно знакомится с текстом в полном составе, затем отмечает необходимые фрагменты, делает черновой перевод этих фрагментов иредактирует его.

резюмирующий перевод - создание резюме, краткое сообщение о содержании текста. Переводчик знакомится с текстом в его полном объеме, выстраивает план краткого изложения содержания текста, ориентируясь на поставленные перед ним задачи.



Ш Л) Задание 9. Прочитайте текст. Сделайте выборочный перевод текста, показывающий технические проблемы, с которыми пришлось столкнуться разработчикам модема.

In the early days, a personal computer was little more than an electric typewriter, living an isolated existence of churning out word processing documents until the end of its working days, before being unplugged for the last time and taking its data with it to the grave.

Only when computers could talk to each other did they really begin to play a central role in the even day lives of their owners. Now they could be used to send messages and photographs and videos, to book flights and hotels, to find out what's on at the cinema, to read newspapers from other around the world, and to tap into the vast resources of information collected by the human race since it first began to write things down.

It was the Internet that set the PC free, but before computers could begin to weave their worldwide web. they needed a way of transmitting information to one another. The obvious solution was to use the telephone network, thus making use of the existing connections and avoiding the prohibitively high costs of building a new infrastructure. The problem was that phone lines were installed decades ago and had been designed only to send analogue voice signals. Computers use the digital language of binary code, which could not be transmitted through the telephone network in its raw form.

What was needed was an interpreter that would translate the digital language of the computer into an analogue form that could be transmitted through the telephone network, and then would translate it back into digital code at the other end so that another computer could understand it. This crucial role is the job of the modem, which modulates data from digital to analogue, then demodulates it back from analogue to digital.

Individual computer manufacturers could have come up with their own methods for translating the new signal into the old. but since different processes of translation would result in languages that were not mutually intelligible, this could have meant that computers able to communicate only with other machines of the same make: there would have been no one internet, but several distinct internets existing alongside one another. It was the standardised modem that enabled the creation of a single network

of computers that could be accessed with the same equipment anywhere in the world, and that is what gives the web its true power.

It is the universality that allows a business person with a laptop to set up an instant office wherever there is a phone line, or for videogame players to compete with or against people on the other side of the world, or for eBay users to access the world's biggest marketplace, no matter which country they are dialling up from. Thanks to the modem, all of these ultramodern activities are conducted over pre-war phone line technology.

While modems have extended the life of the networks of the past, many are predicting that their own role will expand substantially in the future, as more and more household appliances are integrated within the internet. Television and video recording systems are already converging with broadband services, and modem-equipped heating and air conditioning systems could soon access your schedule over the Internet and automatically prepare you home for your arrival. With pleasing circularity, telephone calls could also soon be carried over broadband Internet connections, with some people predicting the imminent demise of conventional telephony. If and when that happens, the telephone network will be the exclusive domain of the modem, whose modulations and demodulations will quietly regulate the inexorable flow of information around the globe.


Задание 10. Прочитайте статью. Сделайте резюмируйщий перевод( объем не более 1000 печатных знаков).

The primary objective of the Intel R Mote research project is to build an enhanced generation of the "mote" technology originally developed through the collaborative efforts of the

and the Intel Research Berkeley laboratory. Motes are tiny, self-contained, battery-powered computers with radio links, which enable them to communicate and exchange data with one another, and to self-organize into ad hoc (специальные) networks. Motes form the building blocks of wireless sensor networks. The Intel Mote project team seeks to create a new platform design that delivers a high level of integration as well as low-power operation in a small physical size. Features of the new platform include modular hardware and software design: system power management; and low-cost, high volume production potential. One major


goal of the Intel Mote project is to collaborate with the research community in exploring potential new applications of motes and sensor networks. With that objective in mind. Intel's mote design will fully support Tim OS* the operating system developed at UC Berkeley for use in sensor networks and other embedded systems. The team is working with TinyOS developers on enhancements that will enable users of the Intel Mote to access its new features. Intel Motes can serve as the building blocks for wireless sensor networks. These networks are being deployed in a growing number of applications as diverse as agricultural management, structure and earthquake monitoring, industrial controls, and military applications. Potential future markets include transportation and shipping, fire fighting and rescue operations, home automation and even interactive toys. The Intel project team has developed a prototype of the next-generation Intel Mote. Further research will focus on additional hardware and software improvements and increased levels of integration. The ultimate goal is to develop an Intel Mote in the form of a single microchip with layered components, including sensor and RF MEMS (micro electro­mechanical systems), nonvolatile storage, digital/analog silicon, and a batter>. The work is being conducted in collaboration with Intel Research Berkeley. Intel Research Seattle, and other academic researchers at leading universities throughout the U.S and worldwide. Additional collaboration with other Intel researchers focuses on multi-hop routing (многозвенная маршрутизация) and sensor gateways (шлюз). Finally. Intel interacts with standards bodies to promote low-power radio technology and consult with industry participants in the areas of industrial and home automation and controls.

Research Agenda

Intel's research agenda focuses on technology enhancements in three areas: ultra low-power operation, system level integration, and hardware reconfiguration.

Ultra Low-Power Operation

The team is striving to design an ultra low-power mote that is about two orders of magnitude below the operational power of traditional low-power platforms (such as Intel XScale® based designs). This ultra low-power mote will require smart wireless communication capabilities to achieve a battery life of 6 months to one year.

System Level Integration

Research is also focused on achieving system level integration. The main drivers for this effort are cost and size reduction. The goal is to find a cost-efficient way of integrating all the devices that are part of the Intel Mote platform: the CPU core, analog and digital radio components, and Flash and SRAM memory, as well as some of the sensors, which may be MEMS-based. Ultimately, the goal is to integrate all of these features into a single system on a chip (SOC) or system in a package (SIP).

Hardware Reconfiguration

New radio protocols and applications continue to emerge. The exact protocols and applications and the demands they will place on computing power are currently unpredictable. The challenge is to ensure that the Intel Mote will efficiently balance power and performance in this changing environment. To meet the challenge, we are investigating the use of reconfigurable hardware blocks in order to create a flexible platform that is able to accelerate execution of specific tasks while simultaneously conserving power.

Next-Generation IntelS Mote

At the start of the Intel Mote project, the project team spoke with researchers at Intel Research Berkeley and several start-ups as well as with people working in standards bodies, to understand the requirements for motes used in sensor network applications. At the top of the list: more CPU power, for tasks such as location detection and digital signal processing: more reliable wireless radio links; and security features. The team then set out to develop a next-generation mote, incorporating these features as well as a number of other enhancements. In building the prototype. Intel maintained the modular design of the original Berkeley mote while reducing its cost and size. We are also working to increase battery' life by reducing wireless transmission overhead. To achieve this. the team is striving to maintain the operational duty cycle at less than 1%. by applying hardware solutions for synchronization and low-power modes and software algorithms that enable smart networking protocols.

Intel Mote Hardware

The next-generation Intel Mote hardware is a modular, stackable design that includes the following components in a package that is about half the size of the original Berkeley mote. Intel Research is using the Zeevo* module on the main board (containing an ARM1 core, SRAM and Flash memory, and Bluetooth* wireless technology), an optional power supply regulator, and sensor boards. The mote platform can accommodate


other features as well, such as alternate radio, debug and actuator boards. A backbone interconnect provides power and bidirectional signaling capability.

Intel Mote and Sensor Net Software

Intel Mote software is based on . a component-based

operating system designed for deeply embedded systems that require concurrency-intensive operations and which have minimal hardware resources. The software stack includes an Intel Mote-specific layer with Bluetooth* support and platform device drivers, as well as a network layer for topology establishment and single / multi-hop routing. The software will also incorporates security features, including authentication and encryption in the near future.


Ш Особенности перевода аннотации научной статьи, патента и лицензионного договора

Аннотация - это краткое изложение содержания книги или статьи. Для аннотаций оригинальных научных статей характерны определенные типовые структурные формы и обороты, для перевода которых также используются стандартные клише:

1. The results of the theoretical (experimental) study of ............................................. are presented 2. It is shown that... 3. A theoretical dependence of....is formulated 4. Recommendations for... presented 5. Conclusions regarding .. made 6. In this paper the role of discussed 7. The possibility of its practical application in... is considered 8. A generalized version of... for ...

1. Приводятся результаты теоре­тического (экспериментального) исследования...

2. Показано, что...

3. Формулируется теоретическая


4. Приводятся рекомендации по...

5. Делаются выводы о том, что...


6. В данной статье рассмат­
ривается роль

7. Рассматривается возможность
его практического применения

8. Вводится обобщенный вариант
... для...


9. Приводится обзор проводимых в настоящее время исследований по... 10. Особое внимание уделяется методам...

is introduced

9. The current research programs for
... are outlined

10. Special attention is given
to... methods

Из рассмотренных примеров следует, что при передаче характерных для аннотаций структурных форм на русский язык сказуемое, как правило, переходит с последнего места на первое.

Ш А> Задание 11. Прочитайте аннотации статей.

Переведите их на русский язык, используя в качестве образца приведенные выше модели.


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