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Научные конференции за рубежом ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 Информационное письмо № 13 Тема: Bearing Across: Translating Literary Narratives of Migration (3/13/2013; 9/16-17/2013) Brussels, Belgium Bearing Across: Translating Literary Narratives of Migration International Conference organised by the Centre for Literary Translation at the Erasmus University College of Brussels in cooperation with the Centre for Literature, Intermediality, and Culture at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) 16.09.2013-17.09.2013, Brussels, Erasmus University College of Brussels, Department of Applied Linguistics, Centre for Literary Translation Deadline: 13.03.2013 Bringing together scholars from different disciplines such as cultural studies, translation studies, area studies, comparative literature, and anthropology, this conference aims at providing a new understanding of migration as a theoretical concept, analytical category, and lived experience in the study of the translation of migration literature, be it by the authors themselves, or by professional translators. Through issues such as dwelling and displacement, monolingualism and multilingualism, transnationalism and national identity, this conference seeks to investigate how the translation of narratives of migration – e.g. in German-Turkish, Dutch-Moroccan, French-Algerian, British-Indian literature – engages with and shapes the ongoing redefinition of cultural identities. In Imaginary Homelands, Salman Rushdie describes the relationship between migration and translation as follows: “The word ‘translation’ comes, etymologically, from Latin for ‘bearing across’. Having been borne across the world, we are translated men.” (Salman Rushdie, Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-1991. London: Penguin, 1992. 17) The condition of the modern subject as a ‘translated man’ indeed seems to be that of geographical and linguistic border-crossing, between the local and the global. Translation can thus be regarded as a sequence of language practices and an existential situation of migrants dealing with dislocation. Accordingly, this conference focuses, on the one hand, on translation of literary narratives of migration as intralingual transaction – as cultural translation – that reformulates and reassesses cultural specificities in a new and often alienating way and, on the other hand, as interlingual transaction that applies processes of mediation to issues of agency and communication (cf. Doris Bachmann-Medick). Therefore, this conference focuses basically on two strands: 1. literature by migrant authors, either written in their own language, but ‘translating’ their unfamiliar surroundings, or written in the language predominant in their ‘unfamiliar surroundings’; and 2. literature, written by migrant authors, translated into the language of their actual place of residence or into any other language. Submissions for 20-minute papers may include, but are not restricted to: Organising Institution: Organising Committee: Scientific Committee Address: Registration: Please note there will be a conference fee of 60 Euro. The language of the conference is English, but we encourage the use and visibility of other languages in multilingual handouts, slides, etc. A publication of the proceedings with selected contributions in a refereed volume is planned.
Информационное письмо № 14 On the Road: Pilgrims and Fellow-Travellers Corpus Christi College, Oxford Call for papers, deadline 31 May Offers of papers to be read at the conference, and subsequently printed in The Glass, are invited before the deadline 31 May 2013. Papers will focus on Christian topics and should have a reading length of 25 minutes. Time will allow up to five papers to be presented during the day. Please send a provisional title and short paragraph (an abstract isn’t expected of something not yet written) stating how you will approach your topic, adding some information about your background, to Dr Roger Kojecký: Christian Literary Studies Group: exploring Christian and Biblical themes in literature