

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

In a plane

When your aircraft is about to take off, the captain and the crew welcome you on board the plane and give some particulars about the flight. It is advisable to keep your seat belt closely fastened all the time while you are seated to avoid accidents. Pillows and blankets are stored in the over-head storage compartment. As to smoking it is forbidden while the plane is on the ground, while it is taking off or landing and until it has risen to a good height. Passengers are also requested to restrain from smoking in the nonsmoking section of the cabin.

You will be reminded by the hostess not to leave small articles of value on board the aircraft at transit stops and will be asked to check whether you have all your personal effects when you disembark. As to the things which may be carried into the cabin and will not be weighed, they are the following: a lady's hand-bag, an umbrella or walking stick, an overcoat, a small camera, a reasonable quantity of reading materials, an infant's pram, baby food, attache-case, etc.

If you fly over several time zones you may not feel well. This is called 'jet lag'. Jet lag, particularly when flying east, is a true medical condition. It upsets the internal biological clock, and fatigue for several days can result. Long flights are very tiresome you should exercise on a plane.

It is very important to sit as straight as you can, opening out your chest and keeping your neck as vertical as possible. This particularly important for some back complaints. It is recommended to make the muscles in your legs hard, hold for some seconds and then relax before repeating it sometimes. It is also necessary to walk up and down the aisle, do some small stretching exercises, turn your shoulders in circles – to the front and to the back, turn your head to the right and to the left, turn your feet clockwise and anti-clockwise, and then do the same with your hands. This will help you to be comfortable and enjoy traveling by air. The best way to ease the air pressure on your eardrums is to yawn or to swallow a few times.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

приветствовать, радушно принимать; предоставлять информацию о полете; подушка; шерстенное одеяло; запрещать; транзитная остановка; личные вещи; выйти из самолета; пролетать (о самолетах); часовой пояс; поясная разница во времени; усталость; утомительный; проход между рядами кресел; по/против часовой стрелки; уменьшить давление воздуха на барабанные перепонки; зевать; глотать.

Some dos and don’ts for travellers

Take sensible precautions with personal property at all times. Don't carry your valuables around with you; take just as much cash as you need. Pickpockets and thieves may sometimes pose an immediate problem. Never let your handbag or case out of your sight — particularly in restaurants, cinemas, etc. where it is not unknown for bags to vanish from between the feet of their owners. Never leave bags or briefcases unattended in tube or train stations — they will either be stolen or suspected of being bombs and therefore cause a security alert. Stick to the well-lit streets with plenty of traffic. Muggers and rapists prefer poorly lit or isolated places like back-streets, parks and unmanned railway stations. If you avoid these, especially at night, or travel round in group, you should manage to stay out of danger.


Deposit your travellers’ cheques and valuables in your hotel safe.

Always lock your doors.

Travel in pairs or in groups at night on the Underground.

Remember that both rashness and exaggerated caution are inappropriate.


Don't count your money in public.

Don't purchase anything from strangers in the street.

Don't walk along deserted streets or in parks at night.

Don't talk to strangers who try to strike up a conversation with you unless there are other people about.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

разумная предосторожность; индивидуальная, личная собственность; ценности; наличные деньги; вор-карманник; вор; дамская сумочка; чемодан; известны случаи исчезновения сумок; портфель; без присмотра; красть; подозревать; вызывать внимание служб безопасности; уличный грабитель; насильник; безлюдные места; неосторожность, необдуманность; чрезмерная предосторожность; пустынная улица.



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