

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Table 4. A cash flow forecast statement for Dillip Sanjay Ltd.

Opening balance Add Receipts from cash sales -1
Total cash
Less expenses wages purchases overheads            
Total outflow
Closing balance -1 -209

Table 4 illustrates a cash flow forecast statement for Dillip Sanjay Ltd., a large high street supermarket. The statement is drawn up for a six month period in 1993 and shows the estimated opening and closing cash balance, i.e. the money at the start and end of each month. The statement shows that the cash position of the firm will get worse over the time period. The business will need to borrow money at the end of June, and more significantly, at the end of August. In Dillip Sanjay’s business all payments are made in cash. In other types of business goods and services are sold and payment is not received until a later date. The receipts from these credit sales will appear in a cash flow statement in later months. Take an example of a small grocery wholesaler who sells $4,000 of goods to retailers on 30 days credit terms in April. Payment would not be received until May. If the wholesaler had an opening balance of $20,000, the cash flow forecast in May would be as in Table 5.


Задание 12. Переведите деловое письмо с русского языка на английский язык:



Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос и рады выслать наше предложение на модели, которые Вас интересуют.

Мы предлагаем товар по ценам, указанным в каталоге, который мы прилагаем к этому письму. Просим подтвердить получения нашего предложения в течение 10 дней от даты данного письма.

Наши условия платежа следующие: 70% от стоимости товара оплачиваются по безотзывному подтвержденному аккредитиву по представлении отгрузочных документов. Аккредитив должен быть действителен в течение 60 дней, с правом продления, если это потребуется. Оставшиеся 30% оплачиваются после приемки товара.

Ждем Вашего скорейшего ответа.

С уважением, ….

Задание 13. Прочитайте и переведите текст по специальности со словарем:


The banks are the natural intermediary between foreign exchange supply and demand. The main task of a bank’s foreign exchange department is to enable its commercial or financial customers to convert assets held in one currency into funds of another currency. This conversion can take the form of a spot transaction or a forward operation. Banking activities in the foreign exchange field tend inevitably to establish a uniform price range for a particular currency throughout the financial centres of the world. If at a given moment the market rate in one centre deviates too far from the average, a balance will soon be restored by “arbitrage”, which is the process of taking advantage of price differences in different places. It can be seen that foreign exchange business acts as a very important regulator in a free monetary system.

Only the big banks and a number of local banks specializing in this kind of business have a foreign exchange department with qualified dealers. Banks which merely carry out their customers’ instructions and do business on their own account do not really require the services of foreign exchange expert. For these it will be sufficient to have someone with a general knowledge of the subject because his role in practice will be that of an intermediary between the customer and a bank professionally in the market.

A foreign exchange dealer acquires his professional skill largely through experience. Here we should point out how important close cooperation is among a team of dealers. The group can work together smoothly only if each member is able to shed his individuality. We must not forget that, almost incessantly, all the dealers are doing business simultaneously on different telephones and when large transactions are completed the rates may change, whereupon the other dealers must be brought up-to-date immediately. It is essential for a dealer to have the knack of doing things at once so that he can do business on the telephone and at the same time take note of the new prices announced by his colleague.


Задание 14. Прочитайте специальный текст и перескажите его содержание на английском языке:


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