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Form the verbs from the nouns and translate them. СНEMICAL ASPECT OF ECOLOGY.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ СНEMICAL ASPECT OF ECOLOGY.
Тюмень 2006 Section I.ECOLOGY IS A PRIORITY
Read and translate the international words.
Solar [`soul∂] a, energy [`en¶dзi] n, fatal [`feitl] a, radically [`rædik∂li] adv, negative [`neg∂tiv] a, economic [ֻi:k∂́nכmik] a, biosphere [`bai∂sfi∂] n, result [rízΛlt] n, ecological [ֻi:k∂́lכdзikl] a, technicism [`teknisizm] n, oases [o (u) ́eisi:z] n pl, objectively [∂b́ dзectivli] adv, component [k∂ḿ poun∂nt] n, transform [trænśfכ:m] v, typhoon [tai ́fu:n] n, magnetic [mæg ́netic] a, radioactivity [`reidiouæḱ tiviti] n, cosmic [ ́kכzmik] a, system [ sistim] n, compensate [́kכmpenseit] v, ecologist [i: ́kכl∂́dзist] n .
2. Pay special attention to (the translation of) “false-friends”. Memorize the following words:
human progress [`hju:m∂n] прогресс (человеческого) общества; activity [æk ́tiviti] деятельность; effect [i ́fekt] результат, последствие; влияние воздействие; realize [`ri∂laiz] понимать, осознавать; осуществлять, выполнять; complex [ ́kכmpleks] сложный, трудный; individual [ ֻindi ́vidju∂l] отдельный; человек; situation [ ֻsitju ́ei∫n] обстановка; положение; scale [skeil] масштаб, размер; decade [`dekeid] десятилетие; character [`kærikt∂] характер, особенность;
3. Memorize the following words and expressions: exploration [ ֻekspl∂́ rei∫n] исследование; adverse [`ædv∂:s] неблагоприятный, вредный, отрицательный; affect [∂fekt] (воз)действовать, влиять; take into account [∂ ́kaunt] принимать во внимание, учитывать; be concerned (about) [k∂n ́s∂:nd] беспокоится (о); turn into [t∂:n] превращать; threaten [`θretn] угрожать, грозить; destroy [dis ́trכi] разрушать, уничтожать; essential [i ́sent∫l] обязательный, необходимый; exist [ig ́zist] существовать; disastrous [di ́za:str∂s] гибельный, губительный safe [seif] безопасный; надёжный; suitable [`sju:t∂bl] пригодный, подходящий; meet the needs [`mi:t ð∂ ńi:ds] удовлетворять потребности; purposeful [`p∂:p∂sf(u)l] целенаправленный; harmful [`ha:mf(u)l] вредный, опасный, пагубный; warn [wכ:n] предупреждать, предостерегать. be fraught with smth. [fro:t] чревато ч-л. be overconcerned with smth. быть чрезмерно озабоченным ч-л.
Form the adjectives from the following words and translate them. Model: wonder - wonderful Сare, harm, purpose, disaster, survive, ecology, environment, nature, possibility.
5. Interpret the words with «self»-prefix in Russian. Self - regulation, self – organization, self - ignition, self – purification, self – help, self - monitoring.
Check up whether you understand these words correctly. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Consequence, desert, impact, exert impact (influence), fuel, earthquake, hurricane, flood, drought, species, extinction, depletion, soil, survive.
Form the verbs from the nouns and translate them. Model: invention – invent Exploration, interference, extinction, activity, depletion, radiation, transformation, production, regulation, interaction, existence, consideration, realization.
8. Translate the following word-combinations:
irreversible adverse environmental
essential exploration outer space careful planned intensive current
3.main depleted valuable individual species plant and animal
4. ecological adverse consequences various irreversible social ecological 5. cosmic water atmospheric chemical рollution environment radioactive industrial
7.safe natural thermal environment
natural resources
8. adverse possible disastrous effect biological environmental