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Vocabulary practice. 1. Put the letters in the words in brackets into the correct order.

1. Put the letters in the words in brackets into the correct order.

1. A little … in query languages can help you understand the power and capabilities of databases (roducknabg).

2. An SQL query typically begins with an action …, or command, which specifies the operation you want to carry out (weykdor).

3. The clause consists of a keywords followed by the name of the … (ablet).

4. Your … just reduces the numbers of albums in the shop’s inventory (sacherup).

5. The term … refers to detailed specifications for a command (earpmaret).

6. Although the global update function is powerful, it works only for … that have similar characteristics (coerdrs).


2. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given.

1. Most people who access a database on a “casual” basis … with very simple user interface.

a) manipulate b) work c) operate d) interact

2. A little … in query languages can help you understand the capabilities of databases.

a) certainty b) background c) career skills d) experience

3. The SQL query language provides a collection of special command … called SQL keywords, such as SELECT, FROM, INSERT, and WHERE, which issue instructions of the database.

a) words b) passwords c) names d) numbers

4. Most SQL queries can be divided into three simple elements that … an action, the name of database table, and a set of parameters.

a) execute b) indicate c) construct d) specify

5. Customers do not have … to change album prices or alter the name of the songs on an album.

a) authorization b) rights c) permission d) possibilities

6. SQL is a very extensive and powerful language that can be used not only to … data, but also to create databases, tables and reports.

a) enter b) manipulate c) to make updates d) input


3. Match the beginnings and the endings of the steps given and put them into correct order.

1 SET DiscountPrice=9.95 tells 2. WHERE ArtistName=”Rolling Stones” tells 3. Albums is 4. The UPDATE command means 5. It means that 6. SQL can perform a global update a) the name of the record type containing the data you want to change. b) to change the data in the DiscountePrice field to $9.95. c) to change only those records where the artist name is Rolling Stones. d) you want to change the data in some or all of records. e) that changes the date in more than one record at time. f) is possible to update a group of records.

4. Fill in the gaps in the text.

SQL is a database query language that typically works behind the scenes as an intermediary between the database ___ software provided to users and the database itself. Although the specifications for searchers and other database tasks are collected by easy-to use graphical user interfaces, those specifications are converted into SQL ___ which can communicate directly with the database. An SQL query contains SQL ___ such as SELECT, FROM, INSERT, JOIN and WHERE, plus ___ that specify the details of the command. Records can be removed from a database using the SQL ___ command. Record can be added to a table using the SQL ___ command. To search for data, you can use the SQL ___ command. To change or replace the data in a field requires the SQL ___ command.


Speaking. Discuss the following questions.


1. What are the most important aspects of database use?

2. Why is so important to have a little background in query languages?

3. What does the abbreviation SQL stand for?

4. How does a query language like SQL work?

5. What does a simple SQL query look like?

6. How does SQL specify the action that someone wants carried out in the data base? Speak on the most commonly used SQL command words.

7. How does SQL specify which table to use?

8. How do SQL queries carry out searches?

9. Is it possible to change the contents of records or to update a group of records? What does the process of purchasing cause?

10. How is the date retrieved from more than one table at a time? What command does allow you to access the data in more than one table?


Critical thinking. Read the article and express your opinion on the problem.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 200; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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