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A Step away from Ideal


1. All the indications are that the era of traditional silicon computers is coming to a close. A discovery made by scientists could turn around the high-tech market.

2. The researchers built a computer with DNA molecules. According to the scientists the computer of one trillion molecules will be able to perform one billion operations per second with a 99.8 per cent accuracy.

3. This claim is not at all groundless. One cubic centimetre of DNA can contain more information than a trillion CDs. Moreover, DNA-computers use very little energy.

4. Research in DNA computer technology began when scientists saw a striking similarity between the way a DNA works and the way an ideal computing machine – the so-called Turing machine¹ – could be organized. In 1994 the test-tube DNA was first used to solve a mathematical problem. Already at the time it was clear that it was far more convenient to work with the DNA computers than with the usual kind. They have capacity to store and work out vast amounts of information. The density of data storage on such machines is approximately 100,000 times higher than on a regular hard disk.

5. The DNA computer consists of DNA molecules and molecules of enzymes, or DNA analyzing substances. The new computer can work entirely on its own. This miniature electronic computing machine does not need a human. Thus far it can only process synthesised DNA. But it will soon graduate to read molecules.

6. An ordinary computer is unable to perform several tasks simultaneously. It performs them consecutively – true, very fast, so fast in fact that users are unaware of the defect. The DNA computer is free from any such shortfall. DNA molecules work as a team, and this is why the new machine is polychromic being able to perform several tasks at once.

7. The DNA computer processed information and stores it in the form of a chain of symbols.

8. So far the DNA computer operates with only two symbols, the way ordinary computers operate with the notions of “logical 0” and “logical 1”. Thus far the system is too elementary to work out any specific task. But it can serve as a platform for DNA computers of the future that will be able to work directly in a human cell identifying potential diseases and curing them. It may still be a long way to the shining pinnacles of the future. But the first step has already been made.



1. Turing machine – машина Тьюринга (Абстрактная машина, использованная Тьюрингом для точного определения понятий алгоритма и вычислимости).

III. Say:

a) what the future of traditional silicon computers is; b) what kind of computer the researchers built.

IV.Find the information about the possibilities of DNA computers. Say it to your group-mate.

V.Explain why the new machine is able to perform several tasks at once.

VI.Which paragraph contains the information dealing with DNA computer of the future? Describe it.

VII.Summarize the general ideas developed in texts A, B and C.

VIII.Make a report about the computers and microprocessor system. While preparing it use the information of units 8, 9, 10. The following plan will help you:

1. The development of the computer.

2. Kinds of modern computers.

3. Uses of the computer.

4. Programming a digital computer.

5. Miniaturization of computers.

6. Generations of computers.

7. The microprocessor system and its functioning.

8. A computer with DNA molecules.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 121; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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