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•Grammar:Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents (§5). Modal Verbs with Perfect Infinitive (§5). •Word-Formation; n+-y =adj n +-al =adj •Individual Work:Lab Work "Modal Verbs".
LESSON ONE Pre-text Exercises I. Practise the reading of the following words: frequently ['fri:kwqntli], to excite [Ik'saIt], coin ['kOm], to accept [qk'sept], nowadays ['naVqdeIz], article ['a:tIrkl], to stamp ['stxmp], dozen ['dAzn], stroke ['strqVk], to adjust [q'GAst], to measure ['meZq(r)], feedback ['fi:dbxk], controllable [kqn'trqVlqbl], to require [rI'kwaIq(r)], extensive [Ik'stensIv]. II. Make sure if you can read these words correctly and say what Russian words help you to guess their meaning: automation, expert, material, operator, production, electrical, mechanization, information, mechanical, instruction, control, idea. III. Give the initial forms of the following words: handling, parts, manufactured, engines, completes, accepted, growing, traced, watches, fitted, replaced, operates, variables, finished. IV. State to what parts of speech the following words belong: 1. A magnetic needle always points in the direction of the North Pole. 2. Bright pointson the screen of a radar mark detected aims. 3. Our professor answersall our questions. 4. At the age of 76 Einstein still looked for the answersof new secrets of time and space. 5. These apparatus controlthe flight of a rocket. 6. Remote controlis widely applied in atomic installations. V. Form adjectives adding the suffixes a) -al and b) -y to the given nouns. Translate them into Russian: Example: a) experiment — эксперимент b) bulk — большое количество experimental — экспериментальный bulky — громоздкий, большой a) industry, digit, dimension, essence, vision, virgin, nature, sequence, electricity, logic, medicine, physics, instrument, proportion; b) fault, air, fire, grain, fruit, crag, silver, smoke, wealth, dust, sun, sand, frost, chill, cloud, storm, noise, fog, rain, snow. VI. Make sure if you remember the meaning of the following verbs. Consult a dictionary if necessary: to listen, to invent, to trace, to avoid, to make, to do, to watch, to suppose, to examine, to order, to carry, to operate, to get, to sell, to bring, to decrease, to increase, to cut, to mean. VII. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verbs: 1. Heat is a form of energy and may be measured in the units in which energy is measured. 2. We must say that the discovery of atomic energy is as important as the discovery of fire. 3. Electronic machines can add, subtract, multiply and divide much quicker than man. 4. The origin of automation can be traced back to the early days of the first industrial revolution. 5. She may use different methods in her research work. 6. For a long time scientists could not discover the secret of the atom. 7. This equipment can work with high accuracy. 8. You may use these devices in your research work. 9. The atom is a great force that must be used for the good of mankind. 10. Chemists must create the materials which don't exist in nature. 11. Naturally, this circuit can be modified if necessary. 12. This kind of energy must find application in transport. VIII. Choose the sentences where the verbs to have and to be are used in the functions of modal verbs and translate them: 1. These devices have been used in our experiment. 2. Scientists have to work hard to create a new atomic technique. 3. A modern computer has two main parts: a memory and a computing unit. 4. As the known resources of coal and oil are limited, man has to find new sources of power. 5. Very difficult calculations in mathematics and electrical engineering have to be solved by computers. 6. People of good will have to struggle for peaceful use of atomic energy. 7. When technique reaches a very high stage of development, new methods of work will become possible. 8. We are to take into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages of this device for the future work. 9. We are to take special steps to reduce the weight of this mechanical part. 10. These new data are obtained after our experiment. 11. At present our engineers are to develop the most advanced methods of production. 12. Our design bureau has to construct a new adding machine. 13. This device has been used in our experiment. 14. The experts are to inspect this plant. IX. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of modal verbs and their equivalents: 1. Without a computer scientists will not be able to solve complicated problems. 2. Modern computers can multiply two numbers in a microsecond. 3. This machine can do the work of hundreds of workers. 3. He has to finish his experiment in time. 4. She was allowed to carry out this research as she had taken part in the scientific symposium. 5. Every student must know the difference between automation and mechanization. 6. With the help of radioactive elements we were able to measure the thickness of various materials. 7. Every engineer must improve his technical knowledge. 8. Scientists of different countries must cooperate in their research and peaceful application of their discoveries. 9. In fact, there is hardly any sphere of life where the atom may not find useful application. 10. The computer can perform different mathematical operations. 11. Our plant is to increase its output. 12. Every plant must fulfil its plan in time. 13. Workers must apply new methods of production. X. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive: 1. The engineer might have overlooked something that may turn out to be important in carrying out this experiment. 2. All the preparations must have been completed long ago. 3. Some day atomic energy might have been used to control the weather of the world. 4. He may have got the condenser he needed for his experiment. 5. He cannot have broken the tube while making this experiment. 6. You should have changed the current strength at all points of the circuit. 7. He may have got the article he needed. 8. You should have helped your friend. XI. Find the pairs of words which are opposite in meaning: a) small, frequently, same, visible, rapid, early, simple, outside, addition, multiplication, to destroy, mountain, to sell, peace, known; b) seldom, complex, late, slow, invisible, different, big, inside, subtraction, division, to construct, plain, to buy, war, unknown. XII. Try to memorize the word-groups: ■ automatic production — автоматическое производство ■ the origin of automation — происхождение автоматизации ■ sensitive and measuring devices — чувствительные и измерительные устройства (приборы) ■ a manual control — ручное управление ■ feedback information — информация обратной связи ■ to operate through a closed loop — работать посредством замкнутого цикла ■ to trace back — восходить к ■ extensive mechanization — экстенсивная механизация ■ the automatic handling of materials — автоматическая обработка материалов ■ an electronic control system — электронная система управления ■ a machine-tool — станок ■ a hand-tool — ручной инструмент ■ automatic production — автоматическое производство ■ an automatic control — автоматическое управление.
LESSON TWO I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions: 1. What is automation? 2. What is the relation between automation and mechanization? II.Study text A. Try to understand all details. Use a dictionary if necessary: Text A