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Topical Vocabulary. supreme legislative authority – верховная законодательная власть


supreme legislative authority – верховная законодательная власть

сonstitute – основывать, конституировать

summon – созывать (парламент)

prorogue – пророгировать (назначать перерыв в работе парламента)

dissolve – распускать парламент (с целью его переизбрания)

legislate – проводить законы через парламент, издавать законы

сoncurrence – согласованность, совпадение мнений

general election – всеобщие выборы

by-election – дополнительные выборы

expiry of legal terms – истечение сроков полномочий

royal prerogative – королевская прерогатива (исключительное право)

subject to - подлежащий

Royal Assent – монаршья санкция (санкция короны)

take effect – вступать в действие

аdjourn – объявлять перерыв в работе парламента

motion - предложение

сonfer powers on smb – предоставлять полномочия

sitting days – дни, по которым заседает парламент

recess – перерыв в работе парламента (каникулы)

аdjournment – перерыв в работе (без роспуска)

fail into disuse – выйти из употребления

Lords Spiritual – духовные лорды (епископы англ. церкви)

Lords Temporal – светские члены Палаты лордов

Church of England – англиканская церковь

hereditary peer – наследственный пэр

life peer – пожизненный пэр; лицо, получившее титул барона,

дающий право быть членом Палаты лордов

law lords – судебные лорды, лорды-судьи, заседающие в парламенте

Lord (High) Chancellor – лорд-канцлер, спикер Палаты лордов

Lord Chairman of Committee – зам. председателя Палаты лордов

Lord Advocate – лорд-адвокат, генеральный прокурор Шотландии

Lord Chief Justice – лорд главный судья, председатель Отделения

королевской скамьи (по уголовным делам)

Lord of Appeal – лорд-судья по апелляциям (член Палаты лордов)

Lord President of the Council – лорд председатель (Тайного) совета,

лидер Палаты общин

Lord Privy Seal – лорд хранитель печати (малой),

лидер Палаты лордов

spokesman – представитель (оратор от партии или фракции)

standing – ранг, репутация

office-holder – должностное лицо, чиновник

whip – ‘кнут' (парл. парт. организатор)

Royal Household – королевский двор

preside (over) – председатель

Speaker of the House of Commons – спикер Палаты общин

deputy - заместитель, помощник

Clerk of the Parliament – парламентский секретарь

Clerk Assistant – помощник секретаря Палаты лордов

Reading Clerk – секретарь-чтец

record of proceeding – протокол заседания

Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod – ‘Черный жезл’, герольдмейстер

Serjeant-at-Arms – парламентский пристав

to be in attendance upon smb – прислуживать кому-либо

universal suffrage – всеобщее избирательное право

secure presence – обеспечить присутствие

point of order – вопрос к порядку ведения заседания

ruling – постановление, решение

second – поддерживать

backbencher – заднескамеечник, рядовой член парламента

Chairman of Ways and Means – председатель бюджетного комитета

(путей и средств)

nomination – выставление (выдвижение) кандидатуры

Table of the House – парламентский стол (Палаты общин),

разделяющий зал заседаний

Mace – булава, жезл

floor of the House – собственно палата, где сидят и выступают


bar of the House – барьер (перегородка) Палаты общин, отделяющий

депутатов от посетителей

originate – возникать, зарождаться

majority – большинство

simple majority – простое большинство

absolute majority – абсолютное большинство

overwhelming majority – подавляющее большинство

minority – меньшинство

call upon smb to speak – предоставить слово

tied vote – равное число голосов

casting vote – решающий голос

division – голосование путем разделения

vote (for, against) – голосовать (за, против)

division lobby – коридор, в который проходят депутаты при


transaction of business – ведение дел

subsequent – последующий

amendment – поправка

refer (to) – направлять, посылать, отсылать

standing (select) committee – постоянный (специальный) комитет


Answer the questions:


1.What is the supreme legislative authority in Britain? 2. What are the three elements of the supreme legislative authority? 3. In what case can the Parliament function as a law-making organ of state? 4. At what time is the life of a Parliament fixed? 5. How are the powers of the Crown in connection with the Parliament exercised? 6. What is the way to summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament? 7. In what way is the work of Parliament organized? 8. What are the periods when Parliament is not sitting called? 9. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? And what are they? 10. What members of the House of Lords are called The Lords Spiritual and what members are called The Lords Temporal? 11. When does the House of Lords meet during the session? 12. What is potential membership of the House of Lords? 13. What is average daily and yearly attendance of the House of Lords? 14. Why must the Government be fully represented by ministers in the House of Lords? 15. How many office-holders does the House of Lords include? 16. What are the permanent officers of the House of Lords? 17. How are MPs elected? 18. What are the entire membership of the House of Commons? 19. In what case is general election and by-election held? 20. When does the House of Commons meet for sitting? 21. In what cases is the presence of MPs secured in the debating chambers? 22. Who are the officers of the House? 23. Who can be elected a Speaker? 24. How is a Speaker elected? 25. Where do the members of the Government and Opposition sit in the House? 26. What is the system of debate in the two Houses? 27. What part do the Speakers in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords play in debates? 28. How is a vote taken in the Houses? 29. In which chamber is the casting vote given by the Speaker? 30. What do you know about the quorum in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords? 31. What are the stages through which the Bill has to pass before it becomes an Act of Parliament? 32. In what case does the Bill become an Act of Parliament? 33. What is the procedure of each stage? 34. What happens to a Bill which starts in the House of Lords? 35. How is the Monarch’s sanction to an Act of Parliament called?

Suggest the Russian for the following:


Supreme legislative authority; they are constituted on different principles; without the concurrence of all its parts; the expiry of legal terms; the legal existence of Parliament depends on (upon); the powers of the Crown are subject to limitation; the right to veto has fallen into disuse; two-chamber system; the Lords Spiritual; the Lords Temporal; average daily attendance; office-holders; Royal Household; the House is presided over by; Lord Chancellor; Lord Chairman of Committees; Clerk of the Parliament; universal suffrage; hold seats; by-election; steps are taken to secure their presence; he decides the points of order and gives rulings; the question is decided by vote; casting vote; transaction of business; amendments to the motion; standing committee; select committee; the power to call witnesses.


Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1.The three elements … the supreme legislative authority in Britain are constituted … different principles and cannot legislate … without the concurrence … all its parts. 2.Constitutionally the legal existence of Parliament depends … the exercise … royal prerogative. 3.The powers of the Crown in connection … Parliament are subject … limitation and change … legislative process. 4.During a session either House may adjourn itself … its own motion … whichever date it pleases. 5.the reassembly … Parliament … short notice can be accelerated … powers specially conferred … each House … its Speaker. 6.Average daily attendance is about 290 but more may attend when some matter in which they have a special interest is … discussion. 7.The House is presided … by the Lord Chancellor who is the Speaker of the House. 8.The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod is appointed by the Sovereign and is also Serjeant-at-arms … attendance … the Lord Chancellor. 9.The House of Commons is a representative assembly elected … universal suffrage. 10.When any special business is about to be taken – for instance, a vote … some legislative matter – steps are taken to secure their presence. 11.Other parliamentary officers … the House are elected … the House … the nomination of the government. 12. … debate all speeches are adressed … the Speaker, and he calls … members to speak. 13.Voting in the House of Commons is carried out … the direction of the Speaker. 14.If, however, fewer than 40 MPs take part in a division, the business … consideration is held … until the next sitting. 15.The stage of second reading provides the first main … wide debate … the general principles … the Bill. 16.When a Bill has passed its second reading, it is usually referred … detailed examination … a standing committee. 17.When a Bill has passed through all parliamentary stages, it is sent … the Sovereign … Royal Assent.


Find in the text the English for:


Заниматься законодательной деятельностью, истечение срока полномочий, всеобщие выборы, привилегия монарха, монаршья санкция, вступать в действие, предоставлять полномочия, парламентские каникулы, протоколы заседаний, всеобщее избирательное право, дополнительные выборы, рядовые члены парламента, квалифицированное большинство, предоставить слово, решающий голос, постоянный комитет, специальный комитет.



Test 1

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and phrases:



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