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The Rugby Club

The Rugby Club is as much a social club as a sports club (some would say that it is just a social club!). During the season there are usually games on Saturdays and Wednesdays. The club is able to satisfy all standards of rugby and non-players are welcome to join (no footballers please!). The spectacular 'Drag Disco' is one of the numerous (многочисленный) events organised by the club and is a must (обязательно) for anyone who likes dressing up in clothes usual reserved for people of the opposite (противоположный) sex, combining (вместе с) with drinking lots of beer

The season ends in a tour abroad. This is a thin disguise for a weekend of intoxication. If you would like to join the Rugby Club then come along during Introductory Week to an organised meeting or approach a drunk person wearing a club shirt (футболка) in the bar.


If you've never been in a sailing boat (парусное судно) in your life, or if you're a budding (растущий) national champion we provide (обеспечить) a unique opportunity to get involved (участвовать) in sailing within a friendly social, teaching and competitive club, at a low cost. Every Wednesday afternoon we go to a lake, about five miles from campus, where we keep a fleet of larks (жаворонки) person sailing boats). The afternoon usually involves cruising and some informal instruction for beginners/improvers, followed by a trip to the local quaint (необычный, забавный) country pub. On the competitive side we travel to national student sailing league fixtures (назначенные даты) (wild weekends) and take part in local club racing (гонки) (Sundays). We also have social events (общественные мероприятия) throughout the year.


You don't have to be a superstar to join the squash club. There are plenty of (множество) opportunities for everyone to play, whether in one of the university teams or just on the Squash Club nights.

The club nights offer free (бесплатный) squash on Monday and Tuesday nights for everyone in the club, and there will also be coaching sessions available to those who want to pay a small price to improve (совершенствовать) their game. What with the discos and a meal or two the squash club has to be one of the best ways to enjoy getting fit (обретение хорошей физической формы).



The University Of Surrey Sub Aqua Club is a member of the British Sub Aqua Club and follows the BSAC approved training scheme.

This means you can have lots of fun, get fit, meet strange new friends and gain (обрести) an internationally recognised (признанный) qualification all in complete safety (полная безопасность).

Regular attendance (посещение) at training sessions leads firstly to the BSAC Novice Qualification and the start of open water diving (ныряние) (i.e. in the sea). Their is the opportunity for a cheap week long diving holiday during the Easter (пасха) break.

Dives and training in the summer term and over the summer holidays can lead you quite quickly to the BSAC Sports Diver Qualification, allowing (позволяющий) you to hire (арендовать) equipment (оборудование) and dive all over the world. You can then continue with training as far as you wish, maybe even becoming a national coach (тренер)!

The club has all the necessary (expensive) equipment for scuba diving (подводное ныряние), so trainees (=sportsmen) need only supply, initially, basic snorkeling gear (mask, snorkel, fins). A wetsuit will be needed when open water diving is ready to commence (начинаться). We have our own semi-rigid inflatable (надувной) dive boat 'Garfield' and the club also runs its own compressor, so air is cheap. Subsidised (фи нансируемый) transport is available (доступен) through Students' Union, and the Union will also pay costs towards external (внешний) BSAC diver training courses. Training with the club is one of the cheapest ways of gaining (получение) BSAC qualifications. If you are already qualified to some BSAC standard, your help would be greatly appreciated (оценгена) in training new divers. In return, you receive all the benefits (выгоды) of diving with a well established club including use of equipment (оборудование), boat, air and transport, as well as a good social atmosphere.

Meetings (every Thursday during term time) consist of a BSAC training lecture (not boring (скучный), promise) covering (освещающий) theoretical aspects of diving, then a practical session in the pool, followed by in depth drinking practice in the Pub. A good nights sleep is guaranteed! Meetings generally start at around 7.00pm, (depending on ( взависимости от) the length of the lecture), but in the first term, special 'HAVE A GO' sessions and introductory (вводный) talks will be organised, so see us at Sports Fayre (or check our pigeon hole (почтовый ящик) or notice board) for precise (точный) dates and times.

The deeper you go, the better it feels!



The windsurfing club actively encourages (поощряет) newcomers to the sport. In 1990-91 three beginners courses were with all the participants achieving their first grade (уровень) certificate. The club also owns a variety of windsurfers which can be used by the members. For the experienced we organise trips to the sea.



The Tennis Club plays on tennis courts at Manor Farm Sports Ground, a short walk from campus. Standard of players at present includes country and club standard and anyone who wants to play.

We play in both the Winter and the Summer, usually on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.

WE manage to provide (предоставляет):

Mens and ladies teams in Tennis Competitions. There are six people per team. Only doubles is played. Second teams can be entered.

Winter Tennis — Mens ,ladies and mixed (смешанный) doubles (teams of 4).

Friendly matches against other universities and polys.


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