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Nuclear Tones

All the phrases associated with the Low Fall sound definite and complete, intonation groups sound complete, final, definite and firm.

Low Fall tone is used in:

Statements: ˈMary ˈknow ˎEnglish.

Special: ↘Where did you ˈgo to the ˎcinema?


Imperatives: ↘Come and see me toˎmorrow.

Exclamations: What a ↘beautiful ˈlittle ˎgarden!

All the phrases associated with the High Fall sound final, categoric, light, airy, brisk and interested; convey personal concern or involvement. In special questions they sometimes sound very insistent and business-like.

High Fall tone is used in:

Statements: It’s very exˋpensive.


Imperatives: ↘Come and see me toˎmorrow.


Exclamations: ↘How very ˋnoble of you!

All the phrases associated with the Low Rise sound non-categoric, encouraging further conversation. In statements it sounds soothing, reassuring, sometimes surprised and disbelieving. In general questions it sounds genuinely interested. In special questions it sounds friendly or sympathetically interested, sometimes puzzled, wondering. In imperatives (requests) this tone sounds soothing, reassuring, encouraging. In exclamations Low Rise sounds friendly, airy, casual.

Low Rise tone is used in:

Statements: ˈIs he a ˏstudent?

General questions: Is it ˏfine?

Special questions: Why ˏnot?

Imperatives: Come ˏin.


Exclamations: It’s ˏnice!

All the phrases associated with the High Rise sound echoing or repeating the speaker’s message in statements or questions, calling for the repetition of the information already given, trying to elicit a repetition. Practically all the sentence types pronounced with the High (Medium) Rise patterns turn into echoing, repeated or straightforward questions sounding light, airy and rather casual.

ˊWhen did he come?

Rising Head has the unpleasant surprise or puzzling effect, often sounds disapproving, disbelieving and even threatening.

You ↗got a better sugˊgestion?

All the phrases associated with the Fall-Rise sound grudgingly admitting, contradicting, dissenting, reproachful, apologetic. Questions sound insistent, pleading, plaintive; imperatives are urgently warning.

It is used in:

Statements: You ˈpromised it for ˋSaturday. – ˅Monday.

General questions: Is it ˎreally ˏnice?

Special questions: ↘Whom did you ˈwant me to inˎvite ˏhere?

Imperatives: Be ˎquick ˏthen.

All the phrases associated with the Rise-Fall sound impressed, awed, self-satisfied, sometimes challenging.

It is used in:

Statements: It’s ˄wonderful.

Special questions: ˄Who did it?

Imperatives: ↘Ask he a˄gain.


Exclamations: Of ˄course I do!



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