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Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly.

Statements (final, categoric, calm, reserved)

Whose pen is this? Patricia's.

Is your brother in? Yes.

Have you any cousins? No.

Whose exercise book is this? Mine.

How old is your brother? Ten.

How old are you? Twenty.

May we go? No, girls.

May I go? Yes, Betty.

Who is on duty today? I am.

May I switch off the tape-recorder? Yes, please.

Who is absent today? No one is.

When is he coming? Tomorrow.

Where is your sister? At the University.

May I ask you a question? Of course, you may.

Can I help you with the tape? Of course, you can.

What's your uncle's job? He's a turner.

Where is Ann? She's out now.

Where do you come from? Ukraine.

Why do you stay here so long? I have to.

Where is your teacher? At the dean's office.

Special Questions (calm, serious, flat, reserved, very often unsympathetic)

Someone'll have to do it. But who?

You'll find it in the drawer. In which drawer?

Will you give me your book? Which?

Will you switch on the tape-recorder? How?

May I go and see him? When?

I've got a new flat. Where?

I'm afraid I can't leave at once. Why?

Pass me the book, Tom. Which one?

He is on duty very often. How often?

Will you bring the tape? Which tape?

One book is missing. Which one?

Imperatives (calm, unemotional, serious)

It's my book. Well, take it then.

What shall I do with these figures? Remember them.

I must go now. Do.

I'll stop him. Don't.

What do you want me to do? Stay.

What shall I do now? Write.

How can I get in touch with him? Phone him.

It's my book. Then take it.

I'm afraid to miss the train. Hurry up, then.

I don't know this poem well enough. Repeat it, then.

What shall I do with those naughty boys? Ignore them.

Exclamations (calm, unsurprised)

Did you lock the back door? Of course.

I'm afraid I've got a cold. No wonder.

All the students are present. Fine.

You've got lots of mistakes in pronunciation. Oh.

We can go now. Fine.

Don't go so fast. Good.

Here's the book. Thank you.



When can you come? - As soon as the weather im­proves.

Where did you spend your holiday? - I stayed in Moscow and worked at my book.

What time is it? - It's half past eleven.

Stress-and-tone marks:Stressed syllables of the descending head: the first stressed syllable [ ], any following stressed syllables of the head [ ].

The first stressed syllable of the descending head is pronounced on the high-level pitch. Sometimes it is pronounced with a slight rise. The following stressed syllables have level pitch and form a descending se­quence until the nucleus is reached. Unstressed syllables may either carry the pitch down as in Model 1 (the Falling Head) or they may be pronounced on the level of the preceding stressed syllable as in Model 2 (the Stepping Head) and Model 3 (the High Head). The Low Fall in the nucleus starts somewhat lower than the mid level. If there are any unstressed syllables before the first stressed syllable, they are said on a rather low pitch.

This intonation pattern is used:

1. In statements,final, categorical, considered. e.g. How much did you pay for it? - It costs over two hundred pounds. What is the weather like? I think it is 'going to rain.

2. In special questions, serious, responsible, intense, often suggesting irritability or impatience. e.g. Will you lend me your pen? - What do you want it for? Go and see him tomorrow. - What place does he live in?

3. In imperatives, firm, serious, pressing. e.g. I can't think what to do. - Leave it entirely to me then.

I'm afraid I've made a mistake. - Copy it out again, then.

4. In exclamations, rather emphatic. e.g. The exams are over at last. - Isn't it wonderful! It's my birthday today. - Many happy returns! She refused my help. - What a strange thing to do!


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