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assembled to a service for the dear departed, the last half hour of devotion and remembrance of deeds done and work undone; the remembrance of friendship and love; of what was and what could have been. Why not use well that last half hour, why not make that last service as beautiful as Frank E. Campbell can make it at the funeral church (nonsectarian)
Chinatown my Chinatown where the lights are low Hearts that know no other land Drifting to and fro
Mrs. Harding was reading to him in a low soothing voice. It had been hoped that he would go to sleep under that in- fluence
All alone By the telephone Waiting for a ring
Two Women's Bodies in Slayer's Baggage
Pershing Dances Tango in the Argentine
Girl Out of Work Dies from Poison
If you knew Susie Like I I know Susie Oh oh oh what a girl
In San Francisco in eighteen seventyeight Mrs. Isadora O'Gorman Duncan, a highspirited lady with a taste for the piano, set about divorcing her husband, the prominent Mr. Duncan, whose behavior we are led to believe had been grossly indelicate; the whole thing made her so nervous that she declared to her children that she couldn't keep anything on her stomach but a little champagne and oysters; in the middle of the bitterness and recriminations of the family row,
into a world of gaslit boardinghouses kept by ruined southern belles and railroadmagnates and swing- ing doors and whiskery men nibbling cloves to hide the whiskey on their breaths and brass spittoons and four- wheel cabs and basques and bustles and long ruffled trailing skirts (in which lecturehall and concertroom, under the domination of ladies of culture, were the cen- ters of aspiring life)
she bore a daughter whom she named after herself Isadora.
The break with Mr. Duncan and the discovery of his duplicity turned Mrs. Duncan into a bigoted femi- nist and an atheist, a passionate follower of Bob Inger- soll's lectures and writings; for God read Nature; for duty beauty, and only man is vile.
Mrs. Duncan had a hard struggle to raise her children in the love of beauty and the hatred of corsets
and conventions and manmade laws. She gave piano- lessons, she did embroidery and knitted scarves and mittens.
The Duncans were always in debt.
The rent was always due.
Isadora's earliest memories were of wheedling grocers and butchers and landlords and selling little things her mother had made from door to door,
helping hand valises out of back windows when they had to jump their bills at one shabbygenteel board- inghouse after another in the outskirts of Oakland and San Francisco.
The little Duncans and their mother were a clan; it was the Duncans against a rude and sordid world. The Duncans weren't Catholics any more or Presby- terians or Quakers or Baptists; they were Artists.
When the children were quite young they man- aged to stir up interest among their neighbors by giv- ing theatrical performances in a barn; the older girl Elizabeth gave lessons in society dancing; they were westerners, the world was a goldrush; they weren't ashamed of being in the public eye. Isadora had green eyes and reddish hair and a beautiful neck and arms. She couldn't afford lessons in conventional dancing, so she made up dances of her own.
They moved to Chicago. Isadora got a job dancing to The Washington Post at the Masonic Temple Roof Garden for fifty a week. She danced at clubs. She went to see Augustin Daly and told him she'd discovered
the Dance
and went on in New York as a fairy in cheesecloth in a production of Midsummer Night's Dream with Ada Rehan.
The family followed her to New York. They rented a big room in Carnegie Hall, put mattresses in the corners, hung drapes on the wall and invented the first Greenwich Village studio.
They were never more than one jump ahead of the sheriff, they were always wheedling the tradespeo- ple out of bills, standing the landlady up for the rent, coaxing handouts out of rich philistines.
Isadora arranged recitals with Ethelbert Nevin
danced to readings of Omar Khayyám for society women at Newport. When the Hotel Windsor burned they lost all their trunks and the very long bill they owed and sailed for London on a cattleboat to escape the materialism of their native America.
In London at the British Museum
they discovered the Greeks;
the Dance was Greek.
Under the smoky chimneypots of London, in the sootcoated squares they danced in muslin tunics, they copied poses from Greek vases, went to lectures, artgalleries, concerts, plays, sopped up in a winter fifty years of Victorian culture.
Back to the Greeks.
Whenever they were put out of their lodgings for nonpayment of rent Isadora led them to the best hotel and engaged a suite and sent the waiters scurrying for
lobster and champagne and fruits outofseason; nothing was too good for Artists, Duncans, Greeks; and the nineties London liked her gall. In Kensington and even in Mayfair she danced at parties in private houses, the Britishers, Prince Edward down, were carried away by her preraphaelite beauty her lusty American innocence her California accent.
After London, Paris during the great exposition of nineteen hundred. She danced with Loïe Fuller. She was still a virgin too shy to return the advances of Rodin the great master, completely baffled by the extraordinary behavior of Loïe Fuller's circle of crack- brained invert beauties. The Duncans were vegetarians, suspicious of vulgarity and men and materialism. Ray- mond made them all sandals.
Isadora and her mother and her brother Raymond went about Europe in sandals and fillets and Greek tunics
staying at the best hotels leading the Greek life of nature in a flutter of unpaid bills.
Isadora's first solo recital was at a theater in Budapest;
after that she was the diva, had a loveaffair with a leading actor; in Munich the students took the horses out of her carriage. Everything was flowers and hand- clapping and champagne suppers. In Berlin she was the rage.
With the money she made on her German tour she took the Duncans all to Greece. They arrived on a fishingboat from Ithaca. They posed in the Parthenon
for photographs and danced in the Theater of Dionysus and trained a crowd of urchins to sing the ancient chorus from the Suppliants and built a temple to live in on a hill overlooking the ruins of ancient Athens, but there was no water on the hill and their money; ran out be- fore the temple was finished
so they had to stay at the Hôtel d'Angleterre and run up a bill there. When credit gave out they took their chorus back to Berlin and put on the Suppliants in ancient Greek. Meeting Isadora in her peplum marching through the Tiergarten at the head of her Greek boys marching in order all in Greek tunics, the kaiserin's horse shied,
and her highness was thrown.
Isadora was the vogue.
She arrived in St. Petersburg in time to see the night funeral of the marchers shot down in front of the Winter Palace in 1905. It hurt her. She was an American like Walt Whitman; the murdering rulers of the world were not her people; the marchers were her people; artists were not on the side of the machineguns; she was an American in a Greek tunic; she was for the people.
In St. Petersburg, still under the spell of the eighteenthcentury ballet of the court of the Sunking,
her dancing was considered dangerous by the au- thorities.
In Germany she founded a school with the help of her sister Elizabeth who did the organizing, and she had a baby by Gordon Craig.
She went to America in triumph as she'd always planned and harried the home philistines with a tour; her followers were all the time getting pinched for
wearing Greek tanics; she found no freedom for Art in America.
Back in' Paris it was the top of the world; Art meant Isadora. At the funeral of the Prince de Polig- nac she met the mythical millionaire (sewingmachine king) who was to be her backer and to finance her school. She went off with him in his yacht (whatever Isadora did was Art)
to dance in the Temple at Paestum
only for him,
but it rained and the musicians all got drenched. So they all got drunk instead.
Art was the millionaire life. Art was whatever Isadora did. She was carrying the millionaire's child to the great scandal of the oldlady clubwomen and spinster artlovers when she danced on her second American tour;
she took to drinking too much and stepping to the footlights and bawling out the boxholders.
Isadora was at the height of glory and scandal and power and wealth, her school going, her millionaire was about to build her a theater in Paris, the Duncans were the priests of a cult, (Art was whatever Isadora did), when the car that was bringing her two children home from the other side of Paris stalled on a bridge across the Seine. Forgetting that he'd left the car in gear the chauffeur got out to crank the motor. The car started, knocked down the chauffeur, plunged off the bridge into the Seine.
The children and their nurse were drowned.
The rest of her life moved desperately on in the clatter of scandalized tongues, among the kidding faces of reporters, the threatening of bailiffs, the expostulations of hotelmanagers bringing overdue bills.
Isadora drank too much, she couldn't keep her hands off goodlooking young men, she dyed her hair various shades of brightred, she never took the trouble to make up her face properly, was careless about her dress, couldn't bother to keep her figure in shape, never could keep track of her money
but a great sense of health
filled the hall
when the pearshaped figure with the beautiful great arms tramped forward slowly from the back of the stage.
She was afraid of nothing; she was a great dancer.
In her own city of San Francisco the politicians wouldn't let her dance in the Greek Theater they'd built under her influence. Wherever she went she gave offense to the philistines. When the war broke out she danced the Marseillaise, but it didn't seem quite re- spectable' and she gave offense by refusing to give up Wagner or to show the proper respectable feelings of satisfaction at the butchery.
On her South American tour
she picked up men everywhere,
a Spanish painter, a couple of prizefighters, a stoker on the boat, a Brazilian poet,
brawled in tangohalls, bawled out the Argentines for niggers from the footlights, lushly triumphed in Montevideo and Brazil; but if she had money she
couldn't help scandalously spending it on tangodancers, handouts, afterthetheater suppers, the generous gesture, no, all on my bill. The managers gypped her. She was afraid of nothing, never ashamed in the public eye of the clatter of scandalized tongues, the headlines in the afternoon papers.
When October split the husk off the old world she remembered St. Petersburg, the coffins lurching through the silent streets, the white faces, the clenched fists that night in St. Petersburg, and danced the Marche Slave
and waved red cheesecloth under the noses of the Boston old ladies in Symphony Hall,
but when she went to Russia full of hope of a school and work and a new life in freedom, it was too enormous, it was too difficult: cold, vodka, lice, no service in the hotels, new and old still piled pellmell together, seedbed, and scrapheap, she hadn't the pa- tience, her life had been too easy;
she picked up a yellowhaired poet
and brought him back
to Europe and the grand hotels.
Yessenin smashed up a whole floor of the Adlon in Berlin in one drunken party, he ruined a suite at the Continental in Paris. When he went back to Russia he killed himself. It was too enormous, it was too diffi- cult.
When it was impossible to raise any more money for Art, for the crowds eating and drinking in the hotel suites and the rent of Rolls-Royces and the board of her pupils and disciples,
Isadora went down to the Riviera to write her
memoirs to scrape up some cash out of the American public that had awakened after the war to the crassness of materialism and the Greeks and scandal and Art, and still had dollars to spend.
She hired a studio in Nice, but she could never pay the rent. She'd quarreled with her millionaire. Her jewels, the famous emerald, the ermine cloak, the works of art presented by the artists had all gone into the pawnshops or been seized by hotelkeepers. All she had was the old blue drapes that had seen her great triumphs, a redleather handbag, and an old furcoat that was split down the back.
She couldn't stop drinking or putting her arms round the neck of the nearest young man, if she got any cash she threw a party or gave it away.
She tried to drown herself but an English naval officer pulled her out of the moonlit Mediterranean.
One day at a little restaurant at Golfe Juan she picked up a goodlooking young wop who kept a garage and drove a little Bugatti racer.
Saying that she might want to buy the car, she made him go to her studio to take her out for a ride; her friends didn't want her to go, said he was nothing but a mechanic, she insisted, she'd had a few drinks (there was nothing left she cared for in the world but a few drinks and a goodlooking young man);
she got in beside him and
she threw her heavilyfringed scarf round her neck with a big sweep she had and
turned back and said,
with the strong California accent her French, never lost:
Adieu, mes amis, je vais à la gloire.
The mechanic put his car in gear and started.
The heavy trailing scarf caught in a wheel, wound tight. Her head was wrenched against the side of the car. The car stopped instantly; her neck was broken, her nose crushed, Isadora was dead.
Bye bye blackbird
No one here can love and understand me Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
you too can quickly learn dancing at home without music and without a partner . . . produces the same results as an experienced masseur only quicker, easier and less expensive. Remember only marriageable men in the full possession of unusual physical strength will be accepted as the Graphic Apollos
Make my bed and light the light I'll arrive late to-night
Grand Duke Here to Enjoy Himself
Downtown Gazers See Corona
others are more dressy being made of rich ottoman silks, heavy satins, silk crepe or côte de cheval with ornamentation of ostrich perhaps
the richly blended beauty of the finish, both interior and exterior, can come only from the hand of an artist working towards an ideal. Substitutes good normal solid tissue for that disfiguring fat. He touches every point in the entire compass of human need. It may look a little foolish in print but he can show you how to grow brains. If you are a victim of physical ill-being he can liberate you from pain. He can show you how to dissolve marital or conjugal problems. He is an expert in matters of sex
Blackbird bye bye
it was a very languid, a very pink and white Peggy Joyce in a very pink and white boudoir who held out a small white hand
When Margie got big enough she used to go across to the station to meet Fred with a lantern dark winter nights when he was expected to be getting home from the city on the nine fourteen. Margie was very little for her age, Agnes used to say, but her red broadcloth coat with the fleece collar tickly round her ears was too small for her all the same, and left her chapped wrists out nights when the sleety wind whipped round the corner of the station and the wire handle of the heavy lantern cut cold into her hand. Always she went with a chill creeping down her spine and in her hands and feet for fear Fred wouldn't be himself and would lurch and stumble the way he some- times did and be so red in the face and talk so awful. Mr. Bemis the stoopshouldered station agent used to kid about it with big Joe Hines the sectionhand who was often put-
tering around in the station at traintime, and Margie would stand outside in order not to listen to them saying, "Well, here's bettin' Fred Dowlin' comes in stinkin' again tonight." It was when he was that way that he needed Margie and the lantern on account of the plankwalk over to the house being so narrow and slippery. When she was a very little girl she used to think that it was because he was so tired from the terrible hard work in the city that he walked so funny when he got off the train but by the time she was eight or nine Agnes had told her all about how getting drunk was something men did and that they hadn't ought to. So every night she felt the same awful feeling when she saw the lights of the train coming towards her across the long trestle from Ozone Park.
Sometimes he didn't come at all and she'd go back home crying; but the good times he would jump springily off the train, square in his big overcoat that smelt of pipes, and swoop down on her and pick her up lantern and all: "How's Daddy's good little girl?" He would kiss her and she would feel so proudhappy riding along there and looking at mean old Mr. Bemis from up there, and Fred's voice deep in his big chest would go rumbling through his muffler, "Goodnight, chief," and the yellowlighted win- dows of the train would be moving and the red caterpil- lar's eyes in its tail would get little and draw together as the train went out of sight across the trestle towards Ham- mels. She would bounce up and down on his shoulder and feel the muscles of his arm hard like oars tighten against her when he'd run with her down the plankwalk shouting to Agnes, "Any supper left, girlie?" and Agnes would come to the door grinning and wiping her hands on her apron and the big pan of hot soup would be steaming on the stove, and it would be so cozywarm and neat in the kitchen, and they'd let Margie sit up till she was nodding and her eyes were sandy and there was the sandman com- ing in the door, listening to Fred tell about pocket billiards
and sweepstakes and racehorses and terrible fights in the city. Then Agnes would carry her into bed in the cold room and Fred would stand over her smoking his pipe and tell her about shipwrecks at Fire Island when he was in the Coast Guard, till the chinks of light coming in through the door from the kitchen got more and more blurred, and in spite of Margie's trying all the time to keep awake because she was so happy listening to Fred's burring voice, the sandman she'd tried to pretend had lost the train would come in behind Fred, and she'd drop off.
As she got older and along in gradeschool at Rockaway Park it got to be less often like that. More and more Fred was drunk when he got off the train or else he didn't come at all. Then it was Agnes who would tell her stories about the old days and what fun it had been, and Agnes would sometimes stop in the middle of a story to cry, about how Agnes and Margie's mother had been such friends and both of them had been salesladies at Siegel Cooper's at the artificialflower counter and used to go to Manhattan Beach, so much more refined than. Coney, Sundays, not to the Oriental Hotel of course, that was too expensive, but to a little beach near there, and how Fred was lifeguard there. "You should have seen him in those days, with his strong tanned limbs he was the handsomest man . . ." "But he's handsome now, isn't he, Agnes?" Margie would put in anxiously. "Of course, dearie, but you ought to have seen him in those days." And Agnes would go on about how lucky he was at the races and how many people he'd saved from drowning and how all the people who owned the concessions chipped in to give him a bonus every year and how much money he always had in his pocket and a wonderful laugh and was such a cheery fellow. "That was the ruination of him," Agnes would say. "He never could say no." And Agnes would tell about the wedding and the orangeblossoms and the cake and how Margie's mother Margery died when she was born. "She gave
her life for yours, never forget that"; it made Margie feel dreadful, like she wasn't her own self, when Agnes said that. And then one day when Agnes came out of work there he'd been standing on the sidewalk wearing a derby hat and all dressed in black and asking her to marry him because she'd been Margery Ryan's best friend, and so they were married, but Fred never got over it and never could say no and that was why Fred took to drinking and lost his job at Holland's and nobody would hire him on any of the beaches on account of his fighting and drinking and so they'd moved to Broad Channel but they didn't make enough with bait and rowboats and an occasional shoredinner so Fred had gotten a job in Jamaica in a saloon keeping bar because he had such a fine laugh and was so goodlooking and everybody liked him so. But that was the ruination of him worse than ever. "But there's not a finer man in the world than Fred Dowling when he's himself. . . . Never forget that, Margie." And they'd both begin to cry and Agnes would ask Margie if she loved her as much as if she'd been her own mother and Margie would cry and say, "Yes, Agnes darling." "You must always love me," Agnes would say, "because God doesn't seem to want me to have any little babies of my own."
Margie had to go over on the train every day to go to school at Rockaway Park. She got along well in the grade- school and liked the teachers and the books and the sing- ing but the children teased because her clothes were all homemade and funnylooking and because she was a mick and a Catholic and lived in a house built on stilts. After she'd been Goldilocks in the school play one Christmas, that was all changed and she began to have a better time at school than at home.
At home there was always so much housework to do, Agnes was always washing and ironing and scrubbing be- cause Fred hardly ever brought in any money any more.
He'd lurch into the house drunk and dirty and smelling of stale beer and whiskey and curse and grumble about the food and why didn't Agnes ever have a nice piece of steak any more for him like she used to when he got home from the city and Agnes would break down, blubbering, "What am I going to use for money?" Then he would call her dirty names, and Margie would run into her bedroom and slam the door and sometimes even pull the bureau across it and get into bed and lie there shaking. Sometimes when Agnes was putting breakfast on the table, always in a fluster for fear Margie would miss the train to school, Agnes would have a black eye and her face would be swollen and puffy where he'd hit her and she'd have a meek sorryforherself look Margie hated. And Agnes would be muttering all the time she watched the cocoa and condensed milk heating on the stove, "God knows I've done my best and worked my fingers to the bone for him. . . . Holy.saints of God, things can't go on like this."
All Margie's dreams were about running away.
In summer they would sometimes have had fun if it hadn't been for always dreading that Fred would take a bit too much. Fred would get the rowboats out of the boat- house the first sunny day of spring and work like a demon calking and painting them a fresh green and whistle as he worked, or he would be up before day digging clams or catching shiners for bait with a castingnet, and there was money around and big pans of chowder Long Island style and New England style simmering on the back of the stove, and Agnes was happy and singing and always in a bustle fixing shoredinners and sandwiches for fishermen, and Margie would go out sometimes with fishingparties, and Fred taught her to swim in the clear channel up under the railroad bridge and took her with him barefoot over the muddy flats clamming and after softshell crabs, and sportsmen with fancy vests who came down to rent a boat would often give her a quarter. When Fred was in a sober