

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

II. Read the following dialogue. Work in pairs.

Porter: Mrs Jones: Porter:   Mrs Jones: Receptionist: Mrs Jones: Receptionist: Mrs Jones: Receptionist: Mrs Jones: Receptionist: Mrs Jones: Receptionist: Announcer: Receptionist: (At Gate 3) Any luggage, madam? Yes, the two cases here. I'll keep this briefcase. I'll take your luggage to be weighed, madam. You'll find the ticket desk straight across the hall. Thank you. Good morning. Good morning. I have a ticket for flight BEA 987. May I see your ticket, please? Here it is. Is this your luggage? That's right. Here is your ticket and this is your luggage label, which you show at your destination when you get your luggage. Thank you. Where do I wait? Will you go upstairs to gate 3 and wait for the announcement of your flight. British European Airways announce the departure of their flight BEA 987. Passengers travelling on this flight are requested to proceed to gate 3 for customs and immigration formalities. Have your passport ready. This way, please.

III. Complete the dialogue using the words you have studied.

Mr Brown: Booking clerk: Mr Brown: Booking clerk: Mr Brown: Porter: Mr Brown: Ticket desk receptionist Mr Brown: Ticket desk receptionist: Mr Brown: Receptionist: Mr Brown: Flight BEA 783, economy class, single, please. 135 pounds, please. ………………………………… You'll find the ticket desk further on your left. Porter! Is this your luggage, sir? ………………………………… Good evening. Can I help you? ………………………………… May I see your ticket, please? …………………………………… Here is your ticket and your luggage label. Your plane takes off in half an hour. Your flight will be announced soon. …………………………………  

IV. Use have to and some of the terms from exercise I to complete the following sentences.

Example: To know if your flight is delayed, you have to look at the departure


1. At departures, you__________ .

2. At check-in, you__________ .

3. When they leave the plane, transfer passengers__________ .

4. At the boarding-gate, you__________ .

5. To collect their baggage, passengers__________ .


V. Here are the phrases and questions which you may be asked when you have to pass through the Customs.

Have you got more than the allowance? You say you bought it at home, may I see the invoice? How long are you staying in this country? Are you here on business or for pleasure?   What excess items do you have? You have to pay duty on the excess. You have to have a Customs declaration for these commercial samples. Would you open this suitcase, please? I’m afraid you’re over the allowance.  



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