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Removal and Disqualification


A member of the KSA Cabinet can be declared disqualified and removed from the office if the member is found guilty of the following:


(a) Financial misappropriations


(b) Breach of constitutional processes


(c) Violations of constitutional provision(s)


(d) Of any action that threatens the integrity of the KSA and KIMEP


(e) Consistent unexcused absence from the regular meetings of KSA Cabinet


Such allegations can be brought against any member of the KSA Cabinet or standing

committees by any member of KIMEP community including students which must be filed in

writing to the Chair of the Judicial Committee. If any member is found to be guilty of the

alleged offense, the committee shall report the case in writing to the President of Kimep

Student Association. If the President is found to be guilty of the offense, the Committee shall

report the matter in writing to the Vice President of Administration. If both are found to be

guilty of the offense, the Committee shall report to any other Vice Presidents in writing. The

receiving officer shall have the obligation to bring the matter before the whole Cabinet within

three working days of the receipt.


3.7 No Confidence Motion


Judicial Committee shall report all disciplinary and legal cases to the President of KSA or to

the line successor in case the President is absent or the President is a party in a case. The

President or his/her line successor must bring the matter before the whole KSA Cabinet

within three days of the receipt of the report. The KSA Cabinet shall have the right to pass a

“no confidence” motion on any member of the KSA Cabinet and/or on any member of the

standing committees if the party is found to be guilty of the offense. Such motion must have

3/4 support of the membership of the KSA Cabinet excluding the accused member(s).


3.7.1 Procedure


a. The content of the Motion and related evidence must be distributed among all

the KSA Cabinet members at least 48 hours before the meeting where the

motion will be tabled. In a special meeting of the KSA Cabinet chaired by the

President, the matter will be discussed in details. Thereafter, a deputy will

table a no-confidence motion and another deputy will second the motion. A

brief discussion shall follow before taking the votes. The presiding officer or

chair of the meeting shall vote only in case of a tie. The motion must be

passed with a minimum of three-fourth majority votes of the KSA Cabinet


b. The KSA Cabinet member, including the President and The Vice-Presidents,

who is accused of the offense shall attend the special meeting. In the event that

a no confidence motion is being considered against President, the meeting

shall be conducted by the line successor.


Once a No Confidence Motion is passed against a member of the KSA Cabinet, the member

will be asked in writing to leave the office with immediate effect. The Dean of Student

Affairs and the Chair of the Election Commission shall be informed accordingly. A by-

election for the vacated position shall be arranged by the President of KSA among current

KSA Cabinet members within one month of the appearance of a vacancy.



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