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VOCABULARY. recruiting / recruitment / hiring - наём персонала, подбор кадров


recruiting / recruitment / hiring - наём персонала, подбор кадров

a recruit – новичок, новый работник

a recruiter -специалист (агент) по подбору и найму кадров

recruitment agencies – кадровые агенства

time-consuming – отнимающий много времени, трудоемкий

to fill requirements – отвечать требованиям

applicant – кандидат, претендент

maintain – сохранять

to prosper –процветать

to work a territory – работать на одном месте

goodwill – деловая репутация

staff turnover – текучесть кадров

proper utilization –правильное использование

worker performance – исполнение трудовых обязанностей работниками

an essential component – важнейшая составляющая

a motive - мотив, побуждение, повод; причина; стимул

equitable treatment – справедливое обращение

to meet the needs – отвечать потребностям

disgruntled – раздраженный, рассерженный

morale is high – высокий боевой дух



The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. There are many sources of recruitment. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters such as recruitment agencies, job centers, advertising.

Recruiting good people is a difficult task. It is time-consuming and costly. To select a good worker, managers should hire those individuals who are best qualified to fill the jobrequirements. The education, experience and personality of each applicant must be carefully considered. The main objective of the personnel function is to recruit and maintainan efficient work force. This includes effective management of people, good relationships between people and opportunities for individual development. The selection of effective personnel is important if a business is to grow and prosper. A well-chosen labor force will be more productive than a poorly-chosen one. Do a good job of selecting and recruiting employees and they will stay with you. People who work a territory for years build up goodwill for the company; they become well-acquainted with the customer’s needs and are able to give advice rooted in experience. Customers place a lot of confidence in such people. A poorly-selected labor force means a high staff turnover.

Proper utilization of people is one of the most important aspects of managers’ job. Research reveals that worker performance is closely related to motivation; thus keeping employees motivated is an essential component of good management. In a business context, motivation refers to the stimulus that directs the behavior of workers towards the company goals. In order to achieve company goals, managers must be aware of workers’ needs.

A manager who has an understanding of what the employee wants from work will have a better chance of having more satisfied and productive employees. Studies of employee motivation point out that people work for many different reasons. The reason or reasons a person behaves a certain way is called a motive.There are many explanations of what motivates employees. An individual has many different levels of needs.

The following six factors are considered as contributing to employee satisfaction:

        • recognition;
        • means of obtaining recognition;
        • good environment;
        • managerial competence;
        • job security;
        • justice, equitable treatment.


When one level of needs is satisfied, the next level has the greatest influence on a person’s behaviour.

The experience shows that employee performance is a complex topic to understand. Developing a work environment where the employee meets the needs of the business and the business meets the needs of the employee is what the most successful managers work at.

No matter how automated production becomes, the role of people is central in every business. The most expensive equipment is ineffective in the hands of careless and disgruntledworkers and managers carry the main responsibility for ensuring that morale is high in the organization.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-14; просмотров: 150; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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