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COMPREHENSION CHECK. Give detailed answers to the following questions

Give detailed answers to the following questions. The number refers to the exact chapter:

1. What made Hazel Grace Lancaster restart attending the Support Group? Did the meeting help Hazel? What kind of people attended it? What made Isaac the only true redeeming facet at Support Group? What was Hazel’s first impression of Augustus Waters? Why was she stressed at seeing him? Why did he come to Support Group? How did Augustus draw Hazel’s attention? What principles did Augustus follow in his life?

2. Why did Hazel agree to watch a movie V for Vendetta at Augustus’s house? Why had Augustus been given a driving license though he drove horrifically? What was the story of Hazel’s medical miracle? How long was she supposed to live now? Why was Augustus’s house festooned in spiritual observations? What relationship did Augustus have with his parents? What did Hazel learn about Augustus’s interests in his room? What did Augustus want to know about Hazel? Why was the book An Imperial Affliction special to Hazel? Where were they allowed to watch the film? Why? Why didn’t she like the film? What did Hazel feel for Augustus?

3. What was Hazel’s opinion about Augustus’s favourite book The Price of Dawn? What was special about 29 March? How did Hazel spend it? What kind of person was Kaitlyn? Why did Hazel need time to herself after shopping with Kaitlyn? What did Hazel enjoy in an infinite fiction of Staff Sergeant Max Mayhem?

4. What did Hazel think about ending the book in the middle of a sentence? What did she want to know about her favourite book? What was known about Peter Van Houten? How did Hazel and Augustus’s first telephone talk influence them? What was Augustus’s reaction to the book? What psychotic episode was Isaaac going through? What did Augustus mean quoting An Imperial Affliction “Pain demands to be felt”? What traits of character did Augustus display during his video game? How did the friends help Isaac to overcome his rage?

5. Why did Hazel restrain from calling Augustus after the Night of the Broken Trophies? What was Augustus’s opinion of the book A Imperial Affliction? What surprise connected with Peter Van Houten did Augustus prepare for Hazel? What did Peter Van Houten‘s letter look like? Can the letter reveal the writer’s attitude to the world around him? What did Hazel want from Peter Van Houten while writing him an email? What kissing experience (the-last-good-kiss-you –got experience) did the young people have? Why didn’t Peter Van Houten answer Hazel’s questions via e-mail or telephone? What prevented Hazel from going to Amsterdam? What symbolic date did Augustus organize for Hazel? How can his offer to finance the trip to Amsterdam characterize Augustus?

6. What was Dr. Maria’s condition concerning the trip to Amsterdam? What worried Hazel in her physical reaction to Augustus? What did Kaitlyn think of Augustus as a boyfriend? How could Hazel hurt Augustus? What did Hazel find out about Caroline Mathers? How did Hazel intend to minimize the casualties after her death? What did she text to Augustus? Did he understand her message?

7. What happened at night? What was the reason for the pain attack? How did Hazel feel when she saw Augustus in hospital? What news did he bring? What advice did Peter Van Houten give to Augustus? Whose fault was it that Hazel was sick, but Augustus seemed fine?

8. What prognosis did the Cancer Team Meeting give to Hazel? What tortured Hazel in her parents’ sufferings? How did Augustus react to delay in the trip to Amsterdam? Comment on Gus’s description of Hazel “You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are”. What did Augustus think of Hazel’s intentions to keep her distance? When did Hazel fall in love with Augustus? Who persuaded Hazel’s parents to let the girl go to Amsterdam?

9. What changes did Hazel see in the Support Group before her trip to Amsterdam? How did Isaac cope with his situation? What things helped him to go on? Who supported him? What did Isaac tell Hazel about Augustus?

10. What was Hazel’s mood like before the departure? What did Hazel hear at Augustus’s house? Why was it important for Hazel to walk through the X-ray machine without her nubbins? What did Hazel think of her mum’s lifestyle? What was the worst part about having cancer, in Hazel’s opinion? What conclusion did Augustus draw from his argument with Hazel about ghettoizing scrambled eggs? Why did Augustus avoid the gate area? What new qualities did Augustus reveal on board the planes to Amsterdam? How did the boy express his feeling for Hazel? What was Hazel’s reaction to his confession like?

11. Comment on the taxi driver’s phrase “And in freedom, most people find sin”. Do you agree with the statement? Why/Why not? What was it like to stay in the Hotel of Philosophers (the Hotel Filosoof)? What did the young do on their first night in Amsterdam? How did Hazel feel at the restaurant? What ideas about afterlife did Gus and Hazel have? Why was Hazel angry with Gus’s fear of oblivion? Did Augustus share Hazel’s passion for An Imperial Affliction? What were Gus and Caroline’s acquaintance story and relationship like?

12. Why kind of outfit did Hazel choose for her interview with Peter Van Houten? What was Van Houten’s reaction at seeing Augustus and Hazel at his door? What made Gus truly speechless? Why did Van Houten want to shock the young people? Why hadn’t the writer answered Hazel’s letters? What was wrong with Van Houten? How did Van Houten ruin the whole business of authorial genius for Hazel? What did Van Houten mean when he said “some infinities are bigger than other infinities”? Did he reveal any information about the future development of the book? Why was he aggressive to the couple? How did Hazel and Augustus react to his hurtful words? How did Augustus promise to compensate Van Houten’s refusal? Comment on Augustus’s words after their meting with Van Houten “apparently the world is not a wish-granting factory”. Why did Hazel insist on climbing those steep stairs in the Anne Frank’s House? What new dream did Gus offer to Hazel in the Anne Frank’s house? How did kissing change Hazel’s perception of herself? What worried Augustus in his intimate relations with Hazel? When did Hazel confess her love for Augustus?

13. What was wrong with Maslow’s pyramid of needs, in Hazel’s opinion? What horrible news did Augustus break to Hazel on their last day in Amsterdam? Comment on Hazel’s words “only now that I loved a grenade did I understand the foolishness of trying to save others from my own impending fragmentation: I couldn’t unlove Augustus Waters. And I didn’t want to.”. Comment on Augustus’s words “..there is no glory in illness. There is no meaning to it. There is no honor of dying of. ’.

14. What do you think of people who “specialize in the murder of the dreams”? Is ignorance bliss? What did Dad think of the book An Imperial Affliction? What kind of treatment did Gus go through? How did Isaac and Hazel spend their time together? How did the young men punish Monica? What last picture of Augustus did Hazel take?

15. How did the dinner of the Lancasters and the Waters prove that Augustus and Hazel were meant for each other? Why was Gus put to Memorial? What did Hazel feel of Augustus’s family leaving her out at such a moment?

16. How did late –stage Gus look like? What ideas took most of his time? How did they spend a typical day?

17. When did the deterioration start? What difference was there between calling the boy Augustus and Gus? Why did Augustus’s desire to be remembered by many people frustrate Hazel?

18. Why did Gus call Hazel in the middle of the night? Why did he leave his house at night? Do you think it natural that Augustus Waters broke the conventions of the genre and lost his sense of humor and courage in the end? How did Hazel try to comfort at the speedway?

19. How did Hazel’s treatment of Augustus differ from the rest of his family? Who appreciated it? Comment on the jokes Hazel and Augustus played on.

20. Why were Hazel’s parents unwilling to let her to see Gus? What did Hazel mean when she told her mum “You’re the one who needs to get a life”? Why did Gus decide to arrange a prefuneral? What traits of Augustus’s character did Isaac’s eulogy mention? What was Hazel’s eulogy about?

21. When and how did Augustus die? How did Hazel feel? How did she rate her pain of losing Augustus? What infuriated Hazel in condolences on Augustus’s wall page?

22. Why did Hazel remove her oxygen tube before coming to the casket? What did she tell him? What did she put into the coffin? Why did the minister’s speech make Hazel angry? What shocked in Van Houten’s appearance? Whom did Hazel devote her eulogy? Why didn’t Hazel want to go to the cemetery? How did Van Houten learn about the funeral? Why didn’t Hazel listen to Van Houten’s explanations? Comment on the Dad’s words “It was sure a privilege to love him [Augustus]”.

23. How did Hazel and Isaac entertain themselves? Comment on Hazel’s words “… what we want is to be noticed by the universe, to have the universe give a shit what happens to us… ”. What did Isaac tell Hazel about Gus’s feelings for her? Why did Van Houten come to Hazel? What did Hazel realize and learn about Van Houten’s personal life? What did Hazel look for I Augustus’s house?

24. What new discovery did Augustus’s father make? Where did Hazel look for the writings? What news about her future plans did the Mum share with Hazel? What did Hazel make her parents swear about?

25. What did Kaitlyn want to know about? What idea did she prompt to Hazel? Whom did she connect? How did Hazel and her parents celebrate Bastille Day? What did Lidewij send to Hazel? What did Augustus ask Van Houten to do? What were Augustus’s notes about? What choice did Hazel like?



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