

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Informal Invitation

John: Hello, Bill! I've been looking all over for you.

Bill: Oh, hi, John. What's up?

John: Well, Vicky and I are having some people over Friday night.

I wonder if Susan and you would like to come.

Bill: Oh, sounds great. What time do you suppose?

John: Um, around seven.

Bill: Can I bring anything?

John: It's basically a wine and cheese and if you want to bring a bottle —

that would be fine. Oh, dress casually — it won't be anything fancy.

Do you have our address?

Bill: No, come to think of it, I don't. Just a minute, I'll get a pen.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Слово «культура» понимают по-разному. 2. Когда человек попадает в новую социальную среду, он сталкивается с новыми для него нормами поведения. 3. Существуют правила, как знакомить людей друг с другом. 4. Мы знаем, как обращаться к незнакомым людям. 5. Известны ли Вам основные нормы поведения в англо­язычных странах? 6. Американцы гораздо чаще используют про­звища, чем англичане. 7. Американцы любят говорить о своем доме, образовании и достижениях. 8. Деловые люди всегда пунк­туальны. 9. Работая или отдыхая вместе с носителями языка, будь­те вежливы и дружелюбны. 10. Улыбайтесь, и люди обязательно улыбнутся Вам в ответ.


XI. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единствен­но правильный.

1. Rick would like to find . . . really good job.

A. a

B. the
С. an
D. -

2. They didn't... a word about their plans.

A. tell

B. talk
С. speak
D. say

3. I wonder when she . . . tomorrow.

A. would come

B. will come
С comes

D. coming

4. The bill isn't... as I thought it would be.

A. such expensive

B. expensive
С. so expensive
D. more expensive

5. Nobody . . . Julia to arrive so late.

A. expected

B. waited for
С looked for

D. looked forward

6. If it … so late I would have called you.

A. has not

B. had not been

C. had not

D. was not

7. The board ... all my suggestions.

A. given up

B. turned down
С refused

D. put down

8. We have traveled a lot... by train and by car.

A. either

B. or
С. both
D. -

9. Modern English began ... the fifteenth century.

A. at

B. by
С from
D. in

10. Peter has looked very excited…

A. lately

B. the other day

С. one of these days

D. the following week

11. I’m thirsty, I'd like some mineral water, but we haven't got... .

A. some

B. any

С. nothing

D. anything

12. The manager told his secretary ... at work.

A. don't smoke

B. not to smoke
С not smoke
D. no smoking

13. The meeting was cancelled . .. heavy snowfall.

A. as a result

B. although
С due to
D. because

H.Vicky asked Mom . . . while she was on the phone.

A. don't talk

B. not to talk
С didn't talk
D. not talk

15. Ann went to England … she could improve her English.

A. in order

B. owing
С so that
D. although

16. I'm really interested in Economics.... I. A. So do


B. Neither

C. Neither am

D. So am

17.1.. . stamps since Christmas.

A. have been collecting

B. was collecting С am collecting D. collected

18. The committee insisted ... making decision at once.

A. at

B. about С on D. in

19. We have our English class . . . Monday morning.

A. in

B. at С for D. on

20. If you . . . them well in advance, they will come.

A. informed

B. inform

С will inform

D. would inform.


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