

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


V. Приведите в соответствие термины и их перевод.


target market рекламная кампания
marketing strategy целевой рынок
pricing размещение
promotion ценовой лидер
placement рекламная кампания
advertising campaign розничный торговец
retailer продвижение товара/ услуги
price leader ценообразование

VI. Приведите в соответствие термины из левой колонки с их толкованием из правой колонки.


Channel of distribution the combination of four P's
Charge please
Marketing mix the path goods take when moving from manufacturer to customer
Option choice
Satisfy set at a price
Wholesaler one who sells in small amounts to customers
Retailer rival
Competitor one who sells in large amounts to retailers

VII. Напишите существительные, производные глаголов.


1, Compete  
2. Price  
3. Place  
4. Promote  
5. Advertise  
6. Determine  
7. Facilitate  
8. Develop  




VIII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.


customer goal
objective good
occur make easier
option consumer
product take place
facilitate define
determine choice

IX. Выявите правильные и исправьте неправильные реплики.

1. Can't you reduce the price for our first order? — There are fewer goods available.

2. Where are you calling from? — This is Mr. Jones speaking.

3. Why is there no one on the premises now? — It is after office hours.

4. Could you quote the item number? — Yes, that's the quantity I want.
5. Would you prefer the latter? — Yes, the last suggestion is the best


6. We've got some more on order. — So you expect them to come in soon?

X. Выберите вариант, который лучше всего дополняет утвер­ждения:

1. The four main elements of marketing are known as:

A. buying, selling, market research, and storage

B. the four P's
С. the four M's

D. the marketing mix

2. The product element refers to:

A. the four P's

B. testing of a product to insure quality

C. the good or service that a company wants to sell

D. getting the product to the customer.

3. Most companies price:
A. beyond the market


B. below the market

C. with the market

D. above the market

4. A common channel of distribution is:

A. wholesaler —»retailer —> manufacturer —> customer

B. manufacturer —> retailer —> wholesaler —> customer
С retailer —> manufacturer —> wholesaler —»customer
D. manufacturer -> wholesaler —> retailer -» customer

5. The two major forms of promotion are:

A. personal selling and advertising

B. personal selling and newspapers

C. personal selling

D. radio and television.

XI. Выберите подходящее из выделенных слов и вставьте его
в предложение.

1. identification/ identify

A. Market analysts___ the target market for a particular product.

B. When travelling, one must not forget taking his or her__ .

2. promotion/ promoted

A. Advertising agencies are concerned with the__ of a product.

B. Last week the boss_______ me because of my efficient work.

3. competitor/ compete

A. In the marketplace, businesses_______ with each other.

B. Sony is a major________ of General Electric.

4. determination/ determines

A. The combination of the four P's____ the marketing mix.

B. An analyst makes an accurate_ of the company's target markets.

XII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Do you enjoy shopping?

2. How often do you go shopping?

3. Do you shop in large supermarkets?

4. Who usually does the shopping in your family?

5. Do you think shopping services have improved?


6. What type of products do you buy in a supermarket?

7. How much do you spend weekly?

8. How much extra are you prepared to pay?

9. How did you hear of new products?

10. Do you spend about three hours shopping a week?

XIII. Переведите вступление к диалогу и сам диалог на рус­
ский язык. Составьте по аналогии диалог из 5 вопросов и
5 ответов.

Price is all around us. You pay rent for your apartment, tuition for your education, and fee to your doctor. The price of an executive is salary, the price of a salesperson may be a commission, and the price of a worker is a wage. Sometimes you may negotiate the price for a good or service. Let us try to learn how to bargain in a correct and polite way.

A: We were wondering if you could offer us a discount?

B: Well, we could certainly discuss it.

A: What sort .of discount were you thinking of?

B: We would be willing to offer you 2 per cent.

A; I'm afraid that's much lower that we're expecting.

B: Well,"I'm sure you'll understand that's a reasonable offer.

A: Yes, but, considering our excellent relationships, I'm sure you could

offer a bit more?

B: Perhaps we could consider 2.5 per cent?

A: We were thinking in terms of 5%.

B: I'm afraid that's far too high.

A: Well, perhaps we could say 3.5%?

B: I'm sorry, that's still too high.

A: I'm sure I don't have to point out what a valuable customer we are? B: Certainly, we're very aware of that. Maybe we could settle on 3 per


A: That sounds fine.

B: Good. Let's leave it at that, shall we?

XIV. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Маркетинг связан с движением товаров и услуг от произво­дителя к потребителю. 2. Цель маркетинга — удовлетворить кли­ента и выполнить задачи своей фирмы. 3. Четыре элемента — то­вар, цена, размещение и промоушн составляют основу маркетин-

га. 4. Выбор целевого рынка и маркетинговой стратегии важен на первом этапе. 5. Фирма может устанавливать цены на уровне, ниже и выше среднего уровня цен на рынке. 6. Обычный канал сбыта включает движение товара от производителя к оптовику, далее к розничному торговцу и, наконец, к потребителю. 7. Про­цесс передачи информации от продавца к покупателю называется промоушн. 8. Различают платную и бесплатную рекламу. 9. Оба составляющих маркетинга — покупатель и продавец — должны быть удовлетворены. 10. В ходе маркетинговых операций созда­ется прибыль.


XV. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите един­ственно правильный.

1. Dan had hoped that he ... this semester.

A. would graduate

B. graduate С graduated D. will graduate

2. I owe you twenty dollars, . . . ?

A. isn't I?

B. don't I?

C. am not I?

D. didn't I?

3. It is . . . that I would like to go to the beach.

A. such a nice weather

B. such nice a weather

C. such nice weather

D. so nice weather

4. Kevin's English is . . . Dr. Baker's.

A. so clear as

B. so clearly as

C. as clear as

D. as clearly as

5. TJiis picture is . . . that one.

A.' differs

B. different from

С different than

D. different





6. Rick and his roommate can usually....

A. solve their problems among them

B. solving their problems among them

C. to solve their problems between them

D. solve their problems between them

7. You will be able to speak English well....

A. practice

B. to practice

C. by practice

D. by practicing

8. The temperature drops when the sun….

A. set

B. sets

C. will set

D. is setting

9. I didn't understand what....

A. did he say

B. he is saying

C. he says

D. he said

10. Since fare to „the airport may run . . . forty dollars, I would rather
walk there. '

A. as high as

B. as high to

C. as much as

D. as much to

11. If you want to leave a message, my secretary will take….

A. it

B. they

C. them

D. their

12. The TV programs….watch influence their learning.

A. a children

B. our children

C. our child

D. our childs

13. Sheila Hardy always speaks out about everything.

A. declares her opinion

B. agrees
С quarrels

D. has an interest

14.I feel fairy sure that the work can be done.

A. eager

B. hopeful

C. confident

D. resigned

15. For your safety and the safety of others, always pay attention to traffic


A. overlook

B. heed

С. glance at

D. repair

16.The water level... when it rains every spring.

A. raised

B. raises

C. rose

D. rises

17. The president usually... unless his press secretary approves it.

A. doesn't do a statement

B. doesn't make a statement
С doesn't statement

D. no statement

18. Mr. Smith's point of view doesn't…to our plan of action.

A. relate

B. relation

C. relative

D. relatively

19. Travel agents will confirm your reservations for you free.

A. purchase

B. exchange

C. verify

D. obtain

20. The President called for a combination of the departments of Labor

and Commerce.

A. reconciliation

B. strike

C. merger

D. memorandum.





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