

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Alderson, J. C. (2000). Assessing reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Coxhead, A. (2000). A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly, 34(2), 213-38.

Grabe, W. & Stoller, F. (2002). Teaching and researching reading. Harlow: Longman.

Hirvela, A. (2001). Incorporating reading into EAP writing courses. In J. Flowerdew and M.

Peacock (Eds.), Research perspectives on English for academic purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Urquart, A. H. & Weir, C. J. (1998). Reading in a second language: Process, product and practice. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Task 26.Read the following questions. Select 10 that you would like to answer, and do so, working alone. Make a note of your answers. Exchange your answers to the questions you selected with another student.

1. Did you find the review interesting? Would you like to read the book Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts? Why/ why not?

2. What do you understand by “discrepancy” in line 3? Which word in line 1 has a similar meaning? Which word would you expect to see more often in academic writing?

3. What phrase does the author use in paragraph 2 that suggests she is slightly critical of Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts?

4. What does Upton mean by phrase “an adjunct text”?

5. In paragraph 2? The author identifies an assumption that Upton made when he wrote Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts. What is it? What words are used to suggest the assumption?

6. In paragraph 2, reading is described as “an interactive and constructive process in which the reader uses personal and cultural knowledge to interpret the information presented in a text in order to “create” meaning”. Express the same idea in your own words. Do you agree with this definition? Would you alter it in any way?

7. In paragraph 3, three parts to Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts are identified. Part 3 focuses on reading strategies. What five strategies are mentioned here? Are any of them surprising to you?

8. Why does the writer suggest in paragraph 4 that “the inclusion of two chapters from published North American textbooks in their original format” is important?

9. Is the overall message of the writing in paragraphs 4 and 5 generally positive or negative? Identify features of the writing that support your decision.

10. What is the effect of the phrase beginning paragraph 6, “Let’s now look…”?

11. The description of the book in paragraph 6 is expressed in mostly positive terms. One phrase is used to qualify this positive view. What is it? What is its effect?

12. Find four tasks or activities that Upton’s book requires readers to do.

13. In paragraph 8, what danger or pitfall does the author note that Upton avoids, and how does he do this?

14. In paragraph 9, the author refers to the need to “gain a wide exposure to print”. What do you understand by this? Do you do this yourself? How?

15. What word does the author use to introduce a criticism of the book Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts? What is criticism?

16. The author suggests that before reading something you should consider what you know already, your experience, and/or what you can do. Is this approach useful?

17. Paragraph 10 contains two criticisms of Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts. Summarize them.

18. What does the author mean by the phrase “the table is difficult to process…..”?

19. Paragraph 11 outlines one criticism. Describe it in your own words.

20. In paragraphs 12 and 13, the author identifies three positive features of Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts. Summarize them.

21. What do you understand by the phrase “to visualise ideas”? Would you find this strategy helpful?

22. What criticism of Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts is made in paragraph 14? Would this be a problem for you in your context?

23. What do you understand by the phrase “bite-sized chunks”? Is this phrase more likely to be described as ‘academic’ or ‘informal’ English?

24. Does the author finish her review on a positive or negative note? Justify your choice.

25. Is this review broadly positive or broadly negative? Justify your decision. Would you be happy if you were the author of Reading skills for success: A Guide to Academic Texts? Why/ why not?

Task 27.Knowing exactly why you are reading something can help you to read more efficiently. Think about all of the reading you have done this week. Fill in the table.


Reading material Purpose Type of reading
Newspaper Information; pleasure; to spend the time; as a source of potential class material Scanning
Advertising leaflet Information; evaluation Skimming


Task 28. Read the article again and highlight features that you would consider examples of informal language. Discuss with your group why the author does this, and what the overall effect is.

Task 29. Read the following ideas. They are the main ideas of each paragraph in the article of the lesson. Match them with the paragraphs. Write number of the paragraph and the corresponding letter from the list.

a) A summary of what the book offers and one way in which it could be used.

b) A criticism of particular interest and relevance to Averil Coaxhead.

c) The suitability of the book in different contexts.

d) A significant new feature

e) Some significant criticism concerned with the book organization.

f) An overview of all chapters.

g) A particularly positive feature (you will find two paragraph with this idea).

h) How the book relates to what is already known about learning to read in a second language.

i) Why there is a need for the book being reviewed.

j) An interesting feature of the book.

k) The board aims of the book.

l) How each chapter ends.

m) Two additional positive features.

n) How the book is arranged.


Task 30.Select 3 – 4 paragraphs that you like. Identify the topic sentence and those that provide supporting detail. Exchange your analysis with another student.


Task 31. (Out-class)Find a review of a book in your field.Read it carefully and identify (a) positive features of the book; and (b) criticism or reservations that the review author has about it. Complete the table.


The reference to the book Positive features Negative features

Task 32.Identify the meanings of these words, and decide which meaning the author of the Article intended.

Scaffolded (paragraph 1) Build (paragraph 9)

Goal (paragraph 1) Filter (paragraph 10)

Chasm (paragraph 1) Dip (paragraph 10)

Bridging (paragraphs 2 and 13) Unpack (paragraph 14)

Step (paragraph 4) Bite-sized (paragraph 15)

Key (paragraph 6 and 7) Springboard (paragraph 15)

Overloaded (paragraph 8)



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