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Пример сопроводительного письма

(Sample of Cover Letter)


  Elise McCauley 6790 Pine Street, #K-12 Philadelphia, PA 19143 Tel. l-(215)-789-6780   March 7, 2005   Dear Mr. Petrov: I am a first year student in the M. B. A. program at the Whar­ton Business School in Philadelphia. I understood that you are heading the independent Russian company. I have heard from my last science adviser in Russian Social University in Moscow Mikhail Glooshkov that you might wish to have an American M. B. A. student work with your company this autumn as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the autumn of 2005. My professional experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the economic industry and culture. In particular, I have worked for market of informational technology of economics. I wish to place this experience at the disposal of your company. I strongly believe that my knowledge and experience in the sphere of economic industry in the United States would be quite beneficial to your carrier. I have enclosed the copy of my resume. If my background and qualification are of interest your, please telephone me at l-(15)-789-6780. I am interested in meeting with you in mid-April in Washington to discuss further the possibility of such an autumn position, and your requirements. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, E.Cauley Elise McCauley  


Клише и выражения сопроводительного письма


With reference to your advertisement in «Moscow-Post» of Tuesday, Feb­ruary 7, I would like to apply for the position of... in your company. I recently heard from... that there is a vacancy in your sales department. I am used to work on my own. I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility.   During the training at my present job, I took courses in marketing.     Since my present position offers little prospect for ad­vancement, I would prefer to be employed in an expending organization such as yours.   At present I am earning... per month.   Thank you for offering me the post/position of... I accept this position with pleasure.   I am looking forward to com­mencing work on March 4. Ссылаясь на объявление в «Московской газете» от 7 февраля, вторник, я хотел бы претендовать на долж­ность в вашей фирме. Я недавно услышал от... о ва­кансии в вашем торговом от­деле. Я привык работать самостоя­тельно. Я высоко ценю возможность работать с должной мерой ответственности, проявляя собственную инициативу. Во время обучения для получения должности, которую занимаю в настоящий момент, я окончил курсы маркетинга. Так как моя настоящая должность не дает мне больших возможностей для продвижения, я хотел бы работать в такой перспективной организации, как ваша. В настоящее время я получаю … в месяц. Благодарю Вас за то, что Вы предложили мне должность … С удовольствием принимаю эту должность. С нетерпением жду начала работы 4 марта.



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