

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Simple Future


I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. We’ll go sightseeing tomorrow. 2. My son will be seven this spring and in September he’ll go to school. 3. I believe there’ll be a lot of holidaymakers on the beach today. 4. Will you go to the cinema tonight? 5. I’m afraid she won’t listen to me. 6. Shall I let you know their answer? Do, please. 7. Shall I read the text? No, you needn’t. 8. There won’t be any new words in this text.


II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. The contract will be ready the day after tomorrow. 2. I shall phone you in half an hour. 3. Mу friend will have a holiday next July. 4. They will make an appointment for Tuesday. 5. The prices will be acceptable to us. 6. There will be a lot of people at the seaside. 7. They will have an English lesson on Monday.


III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Will you go to the country next Sunday? 2. Will your friend go to the country together with you?

3. Will your brother come and see you this week? 4. Will you have a holiday in summer? 5. Will you go to the Caucasus or to the Crimea? 6. Will there be many or few people in the Crimea in summer? 7. How long will you be there? 8. When will you have your next day off? 9. What time will you get up? 10. What will you do in the morning? 11. Where will you go before dinner 12. When will you listen to the news on the radio? 13. Who will go to the theatre next week? 14. What will be on there? 15. Which of you will receive some foreign businessmen soon? 16. What ques­tions will you discuss with them? 17. What language will you speak to them? 18. Who will watch TV tonight? 19. Who will go sightseeing on Sunday?


IV. Составьте вопросы по следующему образцу и дайте на них ответы:


"Shall I give you an English book to read?" "Do, please". "No, you needn’t."


V. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я буду дома через полтора часа. 2. Я думаю, он не пойдет осматривать город сегодня: он не совсем хорошо себя чувствует. 3. Пусть они пойдут в кино сегодня вечером. Там будет интересный фильм. 4. У нас не будет уроков завтра. 5. Все материалы будут готовы через полтора часа. 5. На будущий год мой сын пойдет в шко­лу. 7. На днях мы отгрузим вам товары. 8. Сегодня холодно. Мы не пойдем на пляж. 9. – Когда закончится урок? – Через четверть часа. 10. Где вы будете проводить отпуск в этом году? – На Кавказе. 11. – Вам дать его номер телефона? – Да, пожалуйста. У меня его нет. 12. – Вам купить билет на фильм «Сестры»? – Нет, не нужно. Я его уже видел.


Употребление настоящего продолженного времени в значении будущего


VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where are you going on Saturday? 2. Whom are you going there with? 3. Are you going there early? 4. What time are you going there? 5. When are you coming back? 6. Is your director leaving for London soon? 7. When is he leaving for London? 8. When is he coming back?


VII. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям и словосочетаниям из текста и диалога:

1. Наши торговые связи развиваются из года в год. 2. Россия - страна устойчивой экономики. 3. Мы можем знать заранее. .. 4. ...различные виды товаров, такие как... 5. На основе этих соглашений. 6. Кто говорит? 7. Минутку. Я соединю вас. 8. Говорит Бунин. 9. Мне хотелось бы выяснить некоторые вопросы. 10. Ви­дите ли, я уезжаю в Лондон. 11. Вы не согласитесь пообедать со мной в субботу? 12. Я заеду за вами в гостиницу около 6 часов.


VIII. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени:

Bond: Good morning, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Oh, good morning, Mr. Bond. It (to be) a surprise to see you here. When you (to come) to Moscow?

Bond: On Friday. I (to be) in Moscow for three days. I (to come) here to do some business with you, Mr.Bunin. We (to be going) to buy a lot of foodstuffs from you.

Bunin: Very glad to hear it. Let’s make an appointment for Tuesday then. Can you come at 11 o’clock?

Bond: Certainly. I (to be) at your office just in time.



1. When you (to leave) for Petersburg ? Next Wednesday, (to buy) you a ticket yet? Not yet. I (to be going) to do it tomorrow. 2. Russia (to conclude) a lot of trade agreements this year. 3. Tomorrow we (to be going) to sign a contract for raw materials with a German firm. We not (to do) any business with the firm since 1960. 4. When the goods (to be ready) for shipment? I (to believe) they (to be ready) for shipment next month.


IX. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо:

1. ... Russia exports ... machines, ... raw materials, ... equipment to ... different countries of ... world. 2. France and England import ... raw materials from . . .Russia. 3. Mister Serov is ... President of Machinoexport. 4. ... President of Machinoimport is out now, he’ll be in half ... hour. 5. Are all ... necessary materials for ... talks ready? Yes, they are. I’ll call for them in ... quarter of ... hour. 6. 1 think he has cleared up all ... points and we can sign ... contract tomorrow. 7. Can you join me for ... dinner on Sunday? Yes, with ... pleasure. 8. Every year ... Russia concludes trade agreements with ... different countries. 9. When are you going to give them ... reply? I believe I can let them know ... reply ... day after tomorrow. 10. I’m afraid ... price of ... foodstuffs is not accept­able to us. 11. You must buy ... tickets for ... performance in advance. 12. Do you know when they are leaving for ... Crimea? I believe they are leaving ... next week.



X. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

1. We are interested ... having business relations ... all the countries ... the world. 2. Russia exports different kinds ... goods ... very many countries ... the basis ... trade agreements ... them. 3. Last year we bought some machines ... foreign firms ... acceptable prices. 4. Please, phone Mr. Gray and tell him that I’m going to call ... him ... his hotel ... a quarter ... an hour. 5. I’d like to speak ... the director ... the office. Can you put me ...? Yes, please. 6. Do you know that Mister Pavlov is leaving ... London one ... these days? He’ll have talks ... one ... the firms and sign a contract. 7. The secretary has just told me that the British businessmen are going to contact us. They’d like to clear ... some points ... the contract. What time shall we make an appointment ... them ... ? I think ... ten o’clock. Please, tell the secretary to let them know ... it today. 8. It is very convenient to buy tickets ... the theatre ... ad­vance.


XI. Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на времена:

1. Do you often go to the theatre? 2. When were you there last? 3. Were you going to the theatre when your friend met you? 4. What was on that night? 5 Are you going to the theatre this week? 6. Can you always buy tickets for all our theatres on the day of the performance? 7. When will you go to the theatre next time?


1. Have you ever been to the Crimea? 2. When was it? 3 How long were you there? 4. Did you like it there? 5. Do you go to the Crimea every summer? 6. Are you going there this summer? 7. In what month will you go there?


1. Have you already shipped the goods? 2. When did you begin to ship them? 3. Are you still shipping them? 4. When will the shipment be over? 5 Do you always ship your goods in time?


1. Have you seen the new equipment of the firm? 2. When did you see it? 3. Are you going to buy it? 4. How many machines would you like to buy? 5 When can they ship the machines to you?


1. From what countries do we buy consumer goods? 2 Have you signed any contracts for consumer goods lately? 3. Are you interested in buying consumer goods every year? 4. How many contracts does your office usually make every year? 5. How many contracts did you make last month?


XII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Россия импортирует и экспортирует промышленные изделия, сырье, продовольственные и другие товары. 2. Наша кон­тора намерена предложить фирме «Блэк и Ко.» различные товары. 3. Я полагаю, мы выясним все вопросы завтра. 4, Когда покупатели пришлют нам свой окончательный ответ? 5. Собирается ли ваша контора подписать контракт с фирмой «Уайт и Ко.»? 6. Вы помо­жете нам получить весь необходимый для переговоров материал? 7. Надеюсь, вы согласитесь пообедать с нами в воскресенье? 8. Зайти за вами сегодня вечером? - Да. 9. Петр уезжает в Киев послезавтра.

10. Покупатели еще не выяснили время отгрузки?



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