

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

1. He is a student … the Pedagogical University.

2. … last year I entered … the faculty … psychology.

3. He goes … the University every day.

4. My sister got interested … chemistry … the age … 16.

5. He was an organiser … a student scientific society.

6. How long does the course … engineers last … your University?

7. D.I. Mendeleyev graduated … the institute in 1854.

8. A lot of students are engaged … scientific work … their faculties.

9. My friend is good … mathematics.

10. We passed our examination … philosophy … the 12th … January.

11. How do you prepare … the next day classes?


Read the sentences translating the words in brackets into English.

1. We began to attend school (в возрасте семи лет).

2. We (заинтересовались) in some school subjects.

3. As for me I (решила) to enter the University (сразу после школы).

4. I worked hard and passed the entrance examinations (успешно).

5. Now I (студентка первого курса).

6. In January we shall (сдавать зачёты и семестровые экзамены).

7. It is very important (не пропускать лекции и семинары).

8. We (берём) all necessary books in the library (чтобы подготовиться к занятиям).

9. (Мне требуется не много времени) to get to the University.

10. I (занимаюсь общественной работой) at our faculty and I enjoy it very much.

11. There are different subjects on the (учебном плане).

12. (В конце курса обучения) students take final examinations and (представляют выпускную работу).


Translate the following into English.

1. Какие экзамены мы должны сдать, чтобы поступить на исторический факультет университета?

2. Вы должны сдать экзамены по истории, русскому языку и литературе.

3. Вы решили стать учителем истории?

4. Да, я заинтересовалась этим предметом в школе, поэтому я посещала исторический кружок.

5. Курс обучения в университете длится пять лет, и я собираюсь поступать туда сразу после школы.

Read the text and speak about your friend.


Ann left school in June and began to prepare for her entrance exams to the University. As both her mother and father are teachers she made up her mind to be a teacher too. She thinks teaching is a noble profession.

She had to take four exams and passed all of them with excellent marks. Now she is a first-year student at the Moscow State Teacher Training University. Ann is good at Russian and literature, so she is going to be engaged in the work of the literary society.

She lives rather far from the University, that’s why it takes her half an hour to get there by bus. She studies well and devotes a lot of her spare time to sport activities.




Learn the following words and expressions:


a higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

an establishment – учреждение

to train – обучать, подготавливать

to provide – обеспечивать, предоставлять

to found – основать

an instructor – преподаватель

a war – война

to house – размещать

to produce – производить

education – образование

free – 1) свободный, 2) бесплатный

equipment – оборудование

a hostel accommodation – место в общежитии

to contain – содержать

staff – штат

to include – включать

outstanding – выдающийся

to make a contribution – вносить вклад

various – разнообразный

a field of knowledge – область знаний

science – наука

to equip – оборудовать

apparatus of advanced design – приборы современной конструкции

research – исследование

to carry out – выполнять

to develop – развивать

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:


pedagogical ["pedə'gOGikəl], technical ['teknikəl], pharmaceutical ["fRmə'sjHtikəl], agricultural ["ægri'kAltSərəl], faculty ['fækəlti], mathematics ["mæӨi'mætiks], philology [fi'lOləGi], culture ['kAltSə], biology [bai'OləGi], chemistry ['kemistri], primary ['praiməri], pre-school ['prJ'skHl], psychology [sai'kOləGi], psychological ["saikə'lOGikəl], music ['mjHzik], lecture ['lektSə], lecturer ['lektSərə], laboratory [lə'bOrətəri], science [saiəns], scientific [saiən'tifik], integral individuality [in'tegrəl "indi"vidju'æliti], hydrodynamics ['haidroudai'næmiks], ornithology ["Lni'ӨOləGi].


Read and translate the text “Our University”.


There are different types of higher educational institutions in Russia. In Perm several establishments train specialists in various fields, and among them the Perm State University, the Technical University, the Medical Academy, the Pharmaceutical Academy, the Agricultural Academy, the Higher School of Economy and others. My friends and I study at the Perm State Pedagogical University. Our University provides higher education for future teachers.

The Perm Pedagogical University is the oldest higher educational establishment of this type in the Urals. It was founded in 1921 and the number of students was small. During the next two decades (the 20s and the 30s) our University grew greatly. In 1940 there were 1085 students and more than 100 professors and instructors.

During the wartime a military hospital was housed in the main building, the department of chemistry produced medicines. In the years of the Great Patriotic War a large group of students, graduates and teachers went to the front. We shall never forget those who fell in the war, and among them Tatyana Baramsina, Hero of the Soviet Union, who had studied at our University.

Nowadays the Perm Pedagogical University is an important centre of training teachers in the Urals. Every year a great number of students enter its 13 faculties: the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Physical Culture, the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, of Pre-school Psychology and Pedagogy, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Physics, of History, of Music, of Psychology, the Faculty of Computer Operating and Economics and the Faculty of Social Pedagogy.

The head of the University is the Rector. Every faculty has a Dean. He or she occupies the Dean’s Office. The Dean is responsible for the faculty. Every student group has a monitor. The monitor is the leader of the group and is in charge of it.

Our University has more than 45 departments. The staff of professors, lecturers and instructors is big and includes many outstanding scientists who are making contribution to various fields of knowledge. Several scientific schools have been formed at our University: the psychological school of integral individuality, the scientific school of hydrodynamics, of history of the Perm region, of ornithology and others.

At the University there are many laboratories equipped with apparatus of advanced design, computer classrooms with Internet facilities, study-rooms and workshops. They are all situated in its five buildings. The administration is housed in the main building.

Education is free for most students: they pay nothing for lectures, for using laboratory equipment and libraries, or for taking examinations and credit-tests. Moreover, many students receive state grants. Our University has 4 student hostels. Many students are provided with hostel accommodations. The Perm Pedagogical University has its own library containing an enormous number of books: textbooks and fiction, scientific literature and reference books.

The University provides good conditions for scientific research. All students carry out research work in the fields of methods and principles of teaching and special subjects. Our graduates work as schoolteachers in the Perm region.

The Perm Pedagogical University plays an important part in developing public education in the Urals.


Answer the following questions:


1. Are there different types of higher educational institutions in Russia?

2. Which establishments train specialists in various fields in our city?

3. What does our University provide?

4. What is the oldest Pedagogical University in the Urals?

5. What are the main points in the history of our University?

6. What kind of centre is the Perm Pedagogical University?

7. Which faculties are there at our University?

8. Can you prove that education is free for most of students?

9. How many hostels has our University got?

10. What is the teaching staff like?

11. What scientific schools have been formed at the University?

12. Where is the administration housed?

13. In which fields do the students carry out their research work?

14. What part does the University play in developing public education in the Urals?

Ask your neighbour:


1) where he studies;

2) which faculty he studies at;

3) what faculties there are at the University;

4) if he pays money for his education;

5) if he receives a state grant;

6) if he lives in a hostel;

7) if he attends all the lectures;

8) if he misses the seminars;

9) if he works regularly in the library;

10) what subjects he studies at the University;

11) what his favourite subject is;

12) when the Perm Pedagogical University was founded;

13) where one can see a monument to Tatyana Baramsina;

14) what scientific schools have been formed at the University;

15) how many departments the University has got;

16) if all the students carry out scientific research;

17) where the graduates of our University work.



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