

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Column A Column B


1. What’s your ……name…………? student

2. How are ………………? brothers

3. How old are your ………………? Michelle

4. Are you a ………………? English

5. Is David ………………? you

6. Is your name ………………? holiday

7. Where are they ………………? name

8. Are they on ………………? from


4.4 Write the short answers for the questions:


a. Are you Portuguese?

No, …… I’m not ………… . I’m Brazilian.

b. Is James the English?

Yes, ……………… . He’s from Manchester.

c. Is your address 16 New Street?

No, ……………… . It’s 26 New Road.

d. Are you and your friend here on holiday?

No, ……………… . We’re here on business.

e. Is Barbara married?

Yes, ……………… . Her husband’s a doctor.

f. Are you married?

Yes, ……………… . This is my husband, James.

g. Is Thomas an actor?

No, ……………… . He’s a musician.

h. Are Anne and Michael from England?

No, ……………… . They’re from Ireland.

i. Is ‘Howard’ your surname?

Yes, ……………… . My first name’s Tony.

j. Is Jacqueline a teacher?

No, ……………… . She’s a student.



4.5.Write ’s in the correct place in the sentences, as in the example:

a. Patrick is Jane’s brother.

b. Is that Michael car.

c. It’s Tessa birthday on Saturday.

d. What’s your mother name?

e. Where’s Philip desk?

f. My husband name is Peter.

g. Jo is my sister friend.

h. Caria house is in the centre of Rome.


4.6. Сomplete the sentences with my, your, his, her, our or their.


Hi! (a)My………… name’s Ed … Ed

Turner! And this is (b) ……………. wife.

(c) ……………. name’s Thelma. This is

(d) ……………. Beautiful house!!



This is Thelma with (e) ……………… two

children – (f) ……………… names are

Bob and Tracey – and (g) ………………

Brother – (h) ……………… name’s Louis.



And this is ( I ) ……………… dog … what’s

( j ) ……………… name, friend?

( k ) ……………… name’s Bones.


4.7. Write the nationalities:

Country. Nationality.


1. Australia …Australian………….

2. Brazil ……………………

3. Italy ……………………

4. England ……………………

5. Spain ……………………

6. Scotland ……………………

7. France ……………………

8. USA ……………………


Text 3

5.Read and translate the text:



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