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Complete a family tree ...



a) Make a family tree for your family. Write in the names of six people.

b) Decide which extra information you can give about each person. Don’t write it down!


Ask your teacher for any words or phrases you need.






a) my mother b) my father


c) my brother


Complete the gaps.


a) My father is my mother’s …husband……..

b) My mother’s mother is my..........................

c) My mother’s brother is my..........................

d) My sister is my father’s..........................

e) My mother and father are my..........................

Read about four people.


a) is an actress? … Beatrice Santini

b) is a taxi driver? ……………………

c) is from France? ……………………

d) are musicians? ……………………

e) is from London? ……………………

f) is from Edinburgh? ……………………

g) is a bus driver? ……………………

h) is 45 years old

Beatrice Santini

Beatrice Santini is from France.

She’s 28 years old, and she’s an actress.

She’s married; her husband is film director,

Karol Bolewski. Karol is 56 years old.

Their home is in Paris.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 61; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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