

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Outcomes Assessment

4.2.1. Assessment of certain types of student studying works is realized in grades in accordance with table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Assessment of certain types of student studying work.


7-th semester
Module #1 Module #2 Мах mark
Kind of studying work Maximal mark Kind of studying work Maximal mark
Fulfillment of laboratory classes # #1.1–1.12 Fulfillment of laboratory classes # #2.1–2.5  
Module test # 1 Виконання та захист домашнього завдання  
    Module test # 2
Усього за модулем №1 Усього за модулем №2
Semester Examination
Sum total for 7-th semester



4.2.2. The part of educational work is executed set off a student, if he got for it a positive estimation on a national scale in accordance with a tablet. 4.2.


Table 4.2.

Correspondence between Current Module Grade Values and the National Scale


Grade values National Scale Mark
Fulfillment of laboratory work Fulfillment of home work Module Test
6-7 6-7 good
less than 3 less than 5 less than 5 bad


4.2.3. The sum of ratings grades, got by student for the different types of the executed educational work, makes a current module rating estimation which is brought to the list of module control.

4.2.4. If a student has successfully done all kinds of academic work within the given module (with a positive Current Module Grade in national scale), he/she is allowed to take his/her module test.

4.2.5. Module check is carried out by student in a commission which is headed by the head of department, by performing module test by duration to two academic hours.


4.2.6. Sum of current and control module ratings estimations forms a Total module rating grade which is expressed in values and on a national scale in accordance with a table 4.3.

4.2.7. The module is accounted for student, if he during module test got a positive (on a national scale) module test grade (table 4.2) and positive Total module grade (table. 4.3).

Table 4.3

Correspondence between Module Test Grade Values and the National Scale


Module # 1 Module # 2 National Scale
40-44 40-44 excellent
33-39 33-39 good
27-32 27-32 satisfactory
less than 27 less than 27 bad

Attention! If a student executed educational work during a semester with violation of the set terms and did not get or got little stimulatory additional marks, presence for him even for the separate types of educational work and positive module test grades does not guarantee positive (in a national scale) grade , that his/her a Total module grade will be positive.

In this case a student must perform an additional individual task after the theme concerted by teacher and defense it with a positive (on a national scale) grade (table 4.2) which must be added to the current module grade.

4.2.8. If a student has missed the module test because of any reason (being ill, debarred, etc.), the entry ‘absent’ is made against his/her name in module check register in the column ‘Module Test Grade’ and the entry ‘unclassified’ – in the column ‘Total Module Grade’.

In this case the student is considered as not having an academic incomplete if he/she is allowed to take his/her module test but has missed it due to a valid reason. Otherwise he/she is considered as having an academic incomplete. Further testing the student in this module is to be done in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2.9. If student have got unsatisfactory module test grade he/she must have repeated module test in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2.10. A Module Test Grade which can be obtained by a student in the result of repetitive module test does not exceed 8 (eight) (“good” according to the national scale), i.e. the grade value presented in Table 4.2 is reduced by 2.

4.2.11. Retaking of positive Total Module Grade with the purpose of its increasing is not allowed.

4.2.12. The sum of two Total Module Grades Values constitutes a Total Semester Module Grade which is converted in a national scale (table 4.4).

4.2.13. A student having a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade is allowed to take a semester exam.

4.2.14. Students have their semester exam in a written form. The procedure, which lasts up to three academic hours, is held by a commission headed by the head of the department responsible for the discipline.

4.2.15. A student who has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) examination grade (Table 4.5) is considered to have passed the semester course in this discipline.

Otherwise the student is to be re-examined in accordance with the established procedure.

Table 4.4 Table 4.5

Correspondence between Total Module Correspondence between Examination

Grade Values and the National Scale (Differentiated Test) Grade Values

Grade and the National Scale Grade


Semester Grade Values National Scale   Examination Grade Values National Scale
73-82 excellent   11-12 excellent
60-72 good   9-10 good
47-59 satisfactory   7-8 satisfactory
less than 47 bad   less than 7 bad


4.2.16. An Examination Grade obtained by a student in the result of re-examination cannot exceed 10 (‘good’ according to the national scale), i.e. the grade value presented in Table 4.6 is reduced by 2.

4.2.17. The Semester Module Grade and the Examination Grade together make up a Total Semester Grade whose correspondence to the National Scale and the ECTS Scale is shown in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6

Correspondence of Total Semester Grades to the National Scale and the ECTS Scale


Total Semester Grade Values National Scale ECTS Scale
Grade Explanation
90-100 Excellent A Excellent (excellent performance with insignificant shortcomings)
82 – 89 Good B Very Good (performance above the average standard with a few mistakes)
75 – 81 C Good (good performance altogether with a certain number of significant mistakes)
67 – 74 Satisfactory D Satisfactory (performance meets the average standards)
60 – 66 E Sufficient (performance meets the minimal criteria)
35 – 59 Bad FX Bad (bad performance; a second testing is required)
1 – 34 F Bad (very bad performance; a student shall retake the course)


4.2.18. A student has the right to get his/her Total Semester Grade without taking a semester exam if, throughout the whole semester, he/she has done all the kinds of academic work in time and has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade.

Otherwise he/she must take an semester exam obligingly.

4.2.19. To be allowed not to take the exam, a student shall submit a written application to the Dean of the Faculty. A specimen of the application is given in Table 4.7.


Table 4.7.

A Specimen of an Application to Be Allowed not to Take a Semester Exam


  Prof. A. Samkov, Dean of the Mechanics and Power Engineering Faculty   Dear Sir, This is to inform you that in the 7th semester of the 2010-2011 academic year I have passed both modules in the discipline “Automatic Control Systems of Gas Turbine Plants and Compressors” in due time with positive Total Module Grades (36 and 35 respectively), and have a positive Semester Module Grade – 71 (‘good’ according to the National Scale). I would like to ask you to allow me not to take a semester exam in this discipline (teacher: A. Voznyuk), my Total Semester Grade being 71+9=80 (‘good’ according to the National Scale and ‘C’ – to the ECTS Scale).   Sincerely yours Agreed (Signature) (Signature) V.Salenko, A. Voznyuk student of group 405  


4.2.20. A student who, throughout the whole semester, has done all the kinds of academic work in time (without delays) and without repetitive module tests, has got a positive (higher than ‘bad’ according to the national scale) Semester Module Grade, and has decided not to take the exam gets his/her Total Semester Grade as the sum of his/her Semester Module Grade and the minimal Examination Grade established for each category of Semester Module Grades (11 for “Excellent”, 9 for “Good, and 7 for “Satisfactory”).

For example, if a student’s Semester Module Grade is 71 (‘good’ according to the National Scale), then 9 is added to 71 giving the Total Semester Grade equal to 80, which is “Good” according to the National Scale and “С” – to the ECTS scale (Table 4.6).

4.2.21. If a student who was obliged to take an exam has missed it due to any reason (being ill, debarred, etc.), the entry ‘absent’ is made against his/her name in the column ‘Examination Grade’ and the entry ‘unclassified’ – in the column ‘Total Semester Grade’.

In this case the student is considered as not having an academic incomplete if he/she is allowed to take his/her exam but has missed it due to a valid reason. Otherwise he/she is considered as having an academic incomplete.

Further testing the student in this module is done in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2.22. A student is not allowed to increase his/her positive Total Semester Grade by taking a repetitive test or exam.

4.2.23. The Total Semester Grade is entered into the Examination Register and into a student’s record book in values, National Scale grades, and ECTS Scale grades.

4.2.24. The Total Semester Grade is entered into a student’s record book and academic card, for example: 92/Ex/А, 87/Good/В, 79/Good/С, 68/Sat/D, 65/Sat./Е, etc.



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