

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Creates the software programs used by computers


41. Computer which manipulates information coded as binary numbers is called….

Digital computer


42. Computers are versatile electronic tools that can … information and instruction with remarkable speed and reliability. Store


43. computers fit into your pocket . Handheld


44. Computers remember information and hold it for future use on a temporary basis with memory circuits and

contains thousands of tiny, interconnected electrical circuits.Chip


45. Cows produce milk. Г) milk is produced by cows.


46. CPU is the portion of a computer a computer composed of …

Б)an arithmetic/logic unit control unit


47. Creating instruction for the computer is called … Programming


48. Creating instructions for the computer is called … . Programming


49. Creating instructions for the computer is called … Programming


50. Do you now if I can change….

Б)ви знаєте, чи можу я поміняти своє замовлення на рейс


51. Does ... go to London? г)he;


52. Doing calculation and sorting data is called …. Processing


53. Don’t worry! We have already cleared everything up.

Б) Don’t worry! Everything has already cleared up.


54. Each computer on the network has a device called … which connects the computer to the network. Network interface card


55. Entering data and instruction that enable the computer to do a specific job is called … Input


56. Every time I ring him up he is not at home.

A)Щоразу, коли я йому телефоную його немає вдома.


57. Everybody knows that it is not an easy matter to study any foreign language.

А) Усі знають, що вивчення іноземної мови – справа непроста


58. Foreign language clubs give a lot for developing the general outlook of our pupils/

В)Клуби іноземної мови чимало дають для розвитку загального світогляду наших учнів.


59. Getting processed data out of the computer is the job of … devices. Output


60. Hardly had they entered the hause when….

Б)вони ледве встигли зайти до будинку як розпочалась сильна гроза

61. He ... the report for today's seminar. a)hasn't prepared


62. He does read English books in the original.

В) Він таки читає англійські книги в оригіналі.


63. He doesn’t often write sentences on the blackboard

А)Він не часто пише речення на дошці

64. He faud a book very intresting В)книжка йому дуже сподобалась


65. He found that the lady was not so young as he ... b)was expected.


66. He found the book very interesting. Б) Він вважав, що книга дуже цікава


67. He had translated the letter by the time they asked for it.

В)The letter had been translated by the time they asked for it.


68. He knew that all his friends had already read this book


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