АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
А) це був той костюм, котрий я купив у Парижі
217. The advice she gave me...very helpful. a)was
218. The answer ... to you next week. б) will be given
219. The bill ... to your room in an hour.б) will be sent
220. The book ... by students now. в) is being discussed
221. The book ... from the library a month ago. б) would be borrowed
222. The book ... now. г) is being translated
223. The bridge ... long ago. б) was built
224. The building ... recently and looks impressive. a) has been repaired
225. The building is now a circus, it used to be a cinema. А) в цій будівлі зараз цирк, раніше там був кінотеатр.
226. The children ... their homework now. a) are doing
227. The computer dispays the data on a … Monitor screen
228. The computer displays output on its screen and can print it or store on … Disk
229. The delegation arrived in London yesterday at dawn. Г) Делегація прибула до Лондона вчора на світанку.
230. The delegation arrived in London yesterday at down Г)делегація прибула в лондон вчора на світанку
231. The delegation of American pupils was welcomed by everyone at our scool. Б) делегацію американських учнів вітали всі у нашій школі
232. The father always wanted his son….. Б)батько завжди хотів щоб його син став менеджером
233. The game ... because of bad weather. a) was put off
234. The ice will melt as soon as the sun come out А)лід розтане, як тільки вигляне сонце
235. The ice will melt as the sun comes out. а)Лід розтане, як тільки вигляне сонце.
236. The information that results from the processing is calle … Output
237. The instructions that you use to tell the computer how to print your document are called Formatting commands
238. The mail-order company sent Mrs.Green a parcel B)A parcel was sent to Mrs.Green by the mail-order company
239. The memory that holds the software and other input data is called .. RAM (random-access memory)
240. The most common storage device used by microcomputer is the … Diskette
241. The parents did not allow their son to play with other children and he looked very sad/ А) Батьки не дозволяли синові гратися з іншими дітьми і це його дуже засмучувало
242. The parents didn’t allow their son to play…. А)батьки не дозволяють сину гратись з іншими хлопцями
243. The pieces of information that a computer process numbers , words facts are called … Data
244. The police ... of an accident already. We expect them any minute. A) have been informed
245. The police weren’t able to catch the suspected Б)поліція не змогла спімати підозрювано
246. The police weren’t able to catch the suspected Б)полыцыя незмогла спыймати пыдозрюваного
247. The Queen presented him with a medal.