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BEAMS AND THEIR TYPESTexts:Beams and their types Lightweight steel beams and joists introduced Grammar:Participle I, Participle II (Синявская, p. 383-385) New words: 1. anchor, n. [´æNkq] анкер 2. appropriate, adj. [q´prqVrprııt] подходящий, соответствующий 3. beam, n. [bi:m] балка 4. brace, n. [breıs] связь, скоба 5. girder, n. [´gE:dq] прогон, главная балка 6. groove, n. [gru:v] канавка, желоб, паз 7. joist, n. [GOıst] балка 8. overall, adj. [´qVvqrql] полный, всеобщий 9. span, n. [spæn] пролет 10. stiffness, n. [´stıfnıs] жесткость 11. versatile, adj. [´vE:sqtaıl] универсальный 12. bridging anchor анкерное крепление 13. cast iron чугун 14. compressive strength прочность на сжатие 15. tensile strength прочность на растяжение 16. floor joist ригель 17. roof joist стропильная балка
1. Read the following international words. What Russian words do they associate with? Control, designer, diagonal, element, form, geometry, horizontal, material, parallel, perpendicular, transport.
Find the synonyms. 1. overall a) opening 2. appropriate b) support 3. versatile c) hardness 4. span d) channel 5. stiffness e) total 6. anchor f) suitable 7. groove g) flexible Build up Participles I (Indefinite Active) and translate them into Russian. To build, to support, to use, to carry, to call, to bring, to give, to span, to permit, to provide. Build up Participles II and translate them into Russian. To build, to support, to give, to reinforce, to add, to develop, to attach, to carry, to make, to produce, to roll.
Read and translate the following word-combinations into Russian, paying attention to the participles.
a) the element providing the anchorage the beam spanning the opening the workers building the bridge the joist supporting the floor the wall carrying the loads b) the method developed by the builders the material used in the 18th century the element attached to the walls the type of beam called the girder the floor slab reinforced by the iron rods
Read and translate the following sentences. 1. The new materials recommended for the construction of this building were reinforced concrete and glass. 2. These beams spanning an opening and carrying loads are of prestressed concrete. 3. Large beams carrying the ends of other beams perpendicular to them have been already brought to the construction site. 4. Supporting the above construction the beam experiences different types of loads. 5. Floor slabs reinforced by the iron rods are manufactured at the factory. 6. Floor joists are attached to the walls by metal supports called anchors. 7. The opening spanned by beams permitted the assembly of the next floor.