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Priorities in Managing Stress

How we manage three fundamental elements of our lives dramatically affects the way we react to stressful situations: priorities; expectations; coping with change. Clearly defining personal and professional priorities reduces stress. Priorities give us: a way to evaluate stressful situations; a basis for making difficult decisions; a sense of perspective.

Priorities are based on what is fundamentally important in our lives at home and at work. Defining personal and professional priorities helps reduce stress by:

• giving us long-term direction and purpose;

• allowing us to tolerate short-term stress by focusing on the future;

•. helping us understand we can't be all things to all people;

• defining a more realistic set of roles for ourselves (husband/wife; father/mother; career person, caretaker);

• allowing us to meet more of our own needs.


We need to organize our personal priorities in terms of the quality of relationships we want (friends, family etc.); obligations to meet our own needs; commitments outside the work and family.

Essential to stress management is good time management. A good time management system allows us not only to keep track of appointments but also to organize important aspects of our life (work projects, deadlines, telephone calls, long-range planning, etc.). Practicing good time management allows us to have maximum options in terms of work and home priorities; have a sense of control; reinforce priorities; have a positive structure to function in each day.

A good time management system is easy and convenient to use; so it can be used at home and in the office; allows us to reschedule our time, organize, meet deadlines and plan.

Be flexible. Don't establish priorities and then try to rigidly adhere to them. Be prepared to accept minor setbacks. Often we have unrealistic expectations of others − we expect them to behave based on our wants. Establish realistic expectations of others by:

• identifying our own needs;

• determining if the other person can meet them;

• discussing our needs to see if the other person wants to meet them;

• summarizing our mutual expectations;

• identifying a deadline for fulfilment of the obligation;

• evaluating the outcome, if appropriate.

Perfectionism is another major cause of stress. Stress is virtually guaranteed when we tend to be the perfect employee; perfect husband/wife; perfect host/hostess; perfect parent.

Establishing priorities with realistic expectations helps combat perfectionism. We can avoid perfectionism by:

• realizing that mistakes are normal and allowing time to correct them;

• understanding that making mistakes can increase our knowledge and skills;

• realizing that a quality product which meets a deadline is more important than a perfect product which is late or never finished.

Trying to be something we are not is a self-expectation that causes considerable stress.

Learn to confront and adapt to major and minor changes. We must learn to accept change so we can minimize a great deal of stress.



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