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Exercises. 1. Practice reading the following words and learn their Russian equivalents:


1. Practice reading the following words and learn their Russian equivalents:

a) bronze /n/, assemble /v/, weld /v/, carve /v/, cast /v/, model /v/, fiberglass /n/, plaster /n/, exhibit /v/, exhibition /n/, medium /n/; dismal, subsequent, surface, pedestal.

b) dismal /a/, subsequent /a/, contemporary /a/, convention(s) /n/, imitative /a/, diffuse /v/, virtue /n/


2. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

1) to exhibit smth; startling; time-lag; 2) (smth) of distinction; 3) (to be) obsessed by; 4) to look life-like; to attract/ to diffuse/ to concentrate light; 5) to make light explain the shape; 6) trite; 7) imitative; 8) fruitfully; 9) to draw on smth/smb; 10) to use smth to great effect; 1) medium.


3. Practice reading the following proper names. What do you know about these people?

1) Paul Cezanne; 2) Courbet; 3) Honore Daumier; 4) Edgar Degas; 5) Paul Gauguin; 6) Michelangelo.


Exercise 4. Find in the text and learn the English for:

написать эссе; удручающее состояние скульптуры 100 лет назад; создавать великие произведения скульптуры; выдающиеся художники; самые оригинальные скульпторы; водрузить на пьедестал; последующее развитие скульптуры; многому научиться у греков и Микеланджело; снять слепок с человеческой фигуры; выглядеть правдоподобно/как в жизни; греческая статуя; придавать жизненность ч-л; рассеивать свет; ч-л вклад в скульптуру; раскрасить статую; железо, сталь, дерево, гипс, фибергласс, бронза; привнести ч-л новое в скульптуру.


Exercise 5. What words/word-combinations were used in the text instead of the ones given below?

1) to make an inference 2) on the whole 3) to be confined to (the use of …) 4) to understand/to see the essence of 5) considered to be painters 6) to cut a long story short 7) to create remarkable sculptures 8) without considering sb/sth 9) outstanding artists 10) preoccupied with the past 11) as precisely as they could 12) to have a great impact on sb/sth 13) very effectively 14) one’s great talent 15) to make use of 16) not to reject the acknowledged achievements of sculpture.


Exercise 6. State the difference between:

a) to weld b) to assemble c) to carve d) to cast e) to model

What unites these lexical items?


7. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the French poet Baudelaire call sculpture ‘boring’?

2. What can you say about the history of sculpture:

a) What attracted the sculptors of the past most of all?

b) What was the difference between the sculptors and painters of the 19th century? Where did they see originality in?

c) Who was the first sculptor to bring something new to the art?

d) What was his contribution to sculpture?

3. How does modern sculpture differ from that of the 19th century in the choice of materials and techniques used? Give examples.


8. Choose a sculptor and prepare a speech on his/her creative activity. Make up a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for illustration. (You can also use the hotlist “Sculpture” http://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listsculpturbr.html for help).


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