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Exercises. 1. Make a five-sentence gist of the Pop Sculptor story.

1. Make a five-sentence gist of the Pop Sculptor story.

2. Be ready to speak on the content of the story:

a) What do you think of the appreciation of pop art (as it is shown in the story) by the visitors to the gallery/ the owner of tine exhibition/ the couple who bought John's bag of groceries/ John?

b) Why were the critics so strict toward John's second "work of art" in your opinion?

3. Retell the story you read as if you were: a) John; b) John’s wife; c) the owner of the gallery; d) one of the spouses that bought John’s ‘masterpiece’; e) the bag of groceries.

4. Study the offered illustrations of the pop sculptures and comment upon them.

5. A form of modem art – pop art – which shows common objects from everyday life (such as advertisements, articles found around the house, etc.) rather than the usual subjects of art has become quite popular nowadays. So the question has arisen – IS ‘POP ART’ ART? Express your attitude to pop art and give your reasons.

6. Nowadays sculpture can be made of any material available. Give your opinion and evaluation of sculpture made of the materials mentioned in the box, taking into account the following aspects: a) public interest; b) historic and historical value; c) ability of being stored for further display to posterity; d) your attitude to it.

wood fiberglass ivory iron plaster clay marble sand rubbish paper shells flowers fruit/vegetables trees mechanisms ice snow


7. Study the comic strips below carefully and tell their stories as you see them. Comment upon the stories and provide the message.






U N I T 4 . D O W E A P P R E C I A T E A R T ?



Дата добавления: 2015-04-04; просмотров: 157; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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