

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Part A


Word List


I. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns

converge, convergence, convergent, converging
application, applied, applicable, apply
expect, expectant, expectance, expectative, expectation
assistance, assist, assistant, assisting
provided, provide, provision, provider


b) adjectives

noticeable, notice, noticeably, noticing
advanced, advancement, advance, advancing
improvement, improved, improve, improvable
electronics, electron, electronically, electronic
recognize, recognition, recognizable, recognizance


II. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with:

a) similar meaning

noticeable a intelligent
continue b obvious
assistance c sphere
application d data
converge e help
improve f supply
field g link up
smart h request
information i make better
provide j carry on

b) contrary meaning

converge a minor
positive b slowly
near c difficult
rapidly d distant
different e possible
never f negative
ultimately g diverge
impossible h at first
easy i always
major j same

III. Match the words with their definitions.

interface a having a fear or strong dislike of technology and technological devices
technophobic b the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to communicate with each other
equivalence c the fact that you are taking part in something
ultimately d during all of the night
involvement e the experience of recognizing someone or something
solve f to find a solution or an answer to a problem
skill g the study and practice of techniques or use of equipment for dealing with information
recognition h the same use, function, size or value of two things
overnight i finally, after a long and complicated series of events
information technology j the knowledge and ability that enables you to do something well


IV. Study the text and try to understand all details.



1. We are in the midst of convergence. At the hardware layer, computers, phones and consumer electronics are converging. At the applications layer, we see convergence of information, entertainment, communications, shopping, commerce, and education.

2. Computers have come from nowhere 50 years ago and are rapidly catching up in capability with the human brain. We can expect human: machine equivalence by about 2015. But after this, computers will continue to get smarter. There is a noticeable positive feedback loop in technology development, with each generation of improved computers giving us more assistance in the design and development of the next.

Ultimately, they will design their offspring with little or no human involvement. This technology development will push every field of knowledge forwards, not just computing. It will be almost as though extraterrestrials had landed in 2020 and given us all their advanced technology overnight.

3. But we will never get far unless we can solve the interface problem. In the near future we may have electronic pets, with video camera eyes and microphone ears, linked by radio to the family computer. With voice and language recognition we will have easy access to all that the Internet can provide. We can tell the pet what we want and it will sort it out for us. It will be impossible to be technophobic about such an interface, and the only Information Technology skill needed will be to speak any major language.

V. Read paragraph 1 of the text and say how the author justifies his claim that

we are ‘in the midst of convergence’.

VI. Read paragraph 2 and answer these questions:

What features will computers have after 2015?
What does the author mean by a ‘positive feedback loop’ in computer development?


VII. Look through paragraph 3 and find English equivalents of the following words and word combinations: решать, иметь легкий доступ, главный, обеспечивать, мастерство, узнавание, соединенный, рассортировывать.


VIII. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

Divergence occurs at different layers.
Computers will become more and more intelligent.
The solution of the interface problem is very important.
We’ll manage to create electronic pets soon.
The only Information Technology skill needed will be to speak many different languages.
There is no difference between computers and humans nowadays.


IX. Complete the following sentences choosing the most suitable variant.

Computers will continue to get…  
  a smaller  
  b smarter  
  c cheaper  
By about 2015 we can expect human:…  
  a technology development  
  b substantial assistance  
  c machine equivalence  
There is a noticeable positive … … in technology development…  
  a information convergence  
  b human brain capability  
  c feedback loop  
With voice and language recognition we will have easy access to…  
  a all that the Internet can provide
  b the interface problem
  c advanced technology
The technology development will…  
  a provide access to the Internet
  b push every field of knowledge forwards
  c destroy humanity by very powerful computers


X. Read the fourth sentence of paragraph 2 and mark pauses. Divide it into sense groups, find out the means of connection between these sense groups and between the words in each group.

XI. Translate paragraph 2 into Russian.

XII. Make an outline of the text.

XIII. Speak about the future of Information Technology.



Part B


I. Define the meaning of the “x” word.

rely: reliability=полагаться:X
addition: additional=сложение:X
indicate: indicative=указывать:X
equip: equipment=оборудовать:X
place: replace=помещать:X
exceed: exceedingly=превышать:X
use: usage=использовать:X
suggest: suggestion=предлагать:X
include: inclusion=включать:X


II. Find in the list the following parts of speech: a) nouns, b) adjectives,

c) adverbs, d) verbs.

Distance, frequency, include, totally, additional, reliability, nutritional, exceed, throw, fancy, different, require, usually, sensitive, suggest, assumption, textual, receive, favourite, surveillance, finally, perform, management, normally, send, great, relatively, limit, widen.


III. Complete the sentences with the following words:

provides replaced equipped surf
interfaced connected include    
Barcodes in the packaging of groceries will soon be … with radio-frequency tags.  
The data in the tags will … additional information.  
A touch-sensitive panel or screen … a means of communicating with the users.  
The fridge is … with a microphone.  
The fridge is … to the Internet.  
You could … the Web to find a new recipe.  
The Screenfridge can be … to a surveillance camera.  

IV. Read the text and define its main idea.


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