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Word List. accommodate /q'kPmqdeIt / приспособлять advanced /qd'vRnst / 1) выдвинутый вперед; 2) передовой approach


accommodate /q'kPmqdeIt / приспособлять
advanced /qd'vRnst / 1) выдвинутый вперед; 2) передовой
approach /q'prqVC/ подход
circuitry /'sE:kItri/ схемы
current /'kArqnt / 1)текущий; 2) (электрический) ток
decline /dI'klaIn/ отклонять; отказывать(ся) от
eventually /I'venCuqli/ в конечном счете; в итоге
explain /Ik'spleIn / объяснять
extend /Ik'stend/ 1) простираться, тянуться; 2) расширять
extreme /Ik'strJm/ 1) крайний; 2) чрезвычайный
feature /'fJCq(r)/ особенность, характерная черта; признак, свойство; деталь
feature size   размер элемента
fine /faIn/ 1) тонкий, изящный; 2) точный; 3) высокого качества
immersion /I'mE:Sn/ 1) погружение; осадка; 2) иммерсия
overall /ˏqVvqr'Ll/ полный; общий; предельный
pack /pxk/ 1) упаковывать; 2) заполнять
pattern /pxtn/ 1) образец; шаблон; модель; 2) схема
predict /prI'dIkt/ предсказывать
refract /rI'frxkt/ преломлять (лучи света)
require /rI'kwaIq(r)/ 1) приказывать; требовать; 2) нуждаться в чем-либо
retool /ˏri:'tHl/ переоборудовать; оснащать новой техникой
yield /jJld/ производить

I. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns

fabric, fabricant, fabricate, fabrication, fabricated
resist, resistance, resistible, resistivity, resistless
material, materialistical, materiality, materialist, materialize
refract, refraction, refractional, refractive, refractor, refractoriness

b) adjectives

fracting, fraction, fractional, fracture, fractionary
typically, type, typical, typify, typing
generate, generation, generative, generator, generical
decline, declinatory, declinator, declinable, declination

II. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with:

a) similar meaning

produce a die
extend b progressive
chip c avoid
tool d manufacture
advanced e quality
decline f expand
require g device
feature h foresee
predict i demand

b) contrary meaning

increase a solid
advanced b cheap
liquid c failure
extreme d decrease
extend e unusual
buy f mild
success g shorten
costly h sell
typical i backward

III. Match the words with their definitions.

chip a a repeated arrangement of lines, shapes, or colours etc.
refract b a substance found in many rocks, used in making transistors chips for microprocessors, etc.
pattern c the method of doing something skilfully
tool d a very small piece of silicon, etc. made to work like a complex wired electric circuit
technique e a tiny semiconductor device that controls a flow of electricity
lens f the flow of electricity along a wire etc. or through something
transistor g an object that helps you to do a particular job
silicon h bend a ray of light at the point where it enters water or glass etc. at an angle
current i a curved piece of glass or plastic used to focus things

IV. Study the text and try to understand all details.



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