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X. Complete the following sentences choosing the most suitable variant.

Scientists have developed a proof-of-concept approach for extending current chip-making techniques so that …
    a manufacturers can retool their fabrication plants
    b manufacturers can produce new lasers
    c manufacturers can produce semiconductors with smaller feature sizes
Smaller feature sizes would let manufacturers pack more transistors onto chips, thereby …
    a increasing their power without making them larger
    b increasing their power making them larger
    c increasing their weight without making them larger
The new approach uses new lenses and materials to create chips with…
    a feature sizes of 29.9 nm and, eventually, even larger
    b feature sizes of 29.9 nm and, eventually, even smaller
    c feature sizes of 28.9 nm and, eventually, even smaller
Using different liquids and lens materials could increase …
    a the overall refractive index
    b the optical index
    c the fractional index
The new manufacturing technique would require chipmakers…
    a to spend millions of dollars to retool their fabrication plants
    b to continue their work without changes
    c to make some changes to their fabrication plants and buy new tools

XI. Make an outline of the text.

XII. Speak about the new approach of chip-making techniques.

Part B

I. Define the meaning of the “x” words:

absorb: absorption = поглощать: x
allow: allowance = позволять: x
digit: digital = цифра: x
function: functionality = функция: x
light: lighten = свет: x:
occur: occurrence = случаться: x
refract: refraction = преломлять: x
require: requirement = требовать: x
reflect: reflection = отражать: x

II. Complete the sentences with the given words:

approach functionality chip
yield performance execute
An ongoing trend in computing and communication technologies has been to deliver more … in smaller, more convenient packages.
High-performance computing can now take place on a single … .
Northwestern University’s new lithography … uses pens with sharp microscopic tips 20 nanometers in diameter.
These systems could … malicious instructions inserted by a hacker into the data.
Companies are interested in the new chips because they provide a supercomputer’s performance and … in a small package.
Some of the new supercomputer-on-chip don’t run as fast as Pentium processors, making them more energy efficient, but … higher performance.

III. Choose:

a) nouns

dedicatee dedicate dedication dedicatory
performer perform performance performing
reflection reflective reflect reflex
trace tracer tracery tracing


b) verbs

designing designate designation design
execution execute executive executant
imagination image imagine imaginative
render rendering rendezvous rendition

c) adjectives

alternate alternation alternative alter
complicacy complicate complex complexity
integrant integration integrity integrate
intensive intensify intense intension


IV. Read the title and make your predictions about the content of the text.



Дата добавления: 2015-04-04; просмотров: 132; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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