АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
1. Transmitting sensitive information, such as credit-card numbers or corporate financial data, across the Internet can be risky. By default, data that’s sent across a TCP/IP network is transmitted as raw data. Thus, any clever thief can read the information as it’s being sent, create fake data requests, and forge responses. 2. Another equally vital consideration is the security of data on the client and server sites. Allowing external-site access to your server implies that people outside your site will have at least limited access to your file systems. Merely existing on a global network lets outsiders steal your data. 3. Finally, both user and provider must consider the problem of confirming that the other person is who he or she claims to be. Just as a server wants to confirm that persons ordering a service are who they claim to be, users need to confirm the sites to which they send sensitive information. 4. Three main techniques can secure server sites and data transmissions: firewalls, encrypted transmissions, and user/server authentication. When you install a firewall, you set up a single computer or a router to act as a filter that stands between all internal and external transmissions and allows only certain types of data to pass from one side to the other. An insecure site might allow almost anything to pass through; a more secure site can restrict transmissions to mail or nonanonymous FTP. Ports through a firewall can be either absolute (allowing everyone, or no one to go through) or user-secure (allowing only select users with password to go through). 5. Encrypted transmissions encode data transmissions. S-HTTP and SSL have been proposed as alternative methods of encoding transmitted data. S-HTTP provides encryption services to WWW browsers, while SSL provides security and encryption services to any application at the socket, or intercomputer communications, level. Two common encryption techniques are public-key and private-key encryption. Public-key encryption lets you broadcast an encoding key while maintaining a private decoding key. You can encrypt a message with public key; however, without knowing the private key, the recipient can’t effectively decrypt the message. 6. With the private-key techniques, on the other hand, the sender and the receiver must share key information. A combination of public and private-key transmission is normally used to create secure channels. Public-key encryption is often used to sign and transmit private keys; the private keys are used for the bulk of the session to improve performances. 7. Authentication confirms the identity of a user or a server. At a simple level, this can be done with the use of passwords and user IDs. More complex schemes allow you to store a digital signature that identifies the server site; the browser software must then request, compare, and verify the returned signature.
V. Read the first sentence of the text and mark pauses. Divide it into sense groups, find out the means of connection between these sense groups and between the words in each group. VI. In paragraphs 2-,4 find English equivalents of the following words and word combinations. В равной степени; ограниченный доступ; подтверждение; закодированные передачи; определенный; незащищенный сайт; распознавание пользователя; выбирать пользователей; передача данных; фильтр.
VII. Read paragraphs 5-6 and answer the questions.
VIII. In paragraph 7 find information about the schemes of the identity of a user or a server. IX. Say whether the following statements are true or false.
X. Complete the following sentences choosing the most suitable variant.
XI. Make an outline of the text. XII. Speak about the ways how to secure the information in the Internet. Part B I. Define the meaning of the “x” words.
II. Complete the sentences with the given words:
III. Study the following word and choose: a) nouns
b) adjectives
c) adverbs
IV. Read the title and make your predictions about the contents of the text.