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Word List. adapt /q'dxpt/ приспосабливать, адаптировать detection /dI'tekSn/ определение


adapt /q'dxpt/ приспосабливать, адаптировать
detection /dI'tekSn/ определение, обнаружение
employ /Im'plOI/ применять, использовать
entirely /In'taIqli/ полностью
etch /etS/ травитель; травление; травить
feedback /'fi:dbxk/ обратная связь, обратное питание (эл.), реакция
impedance /Im'pi:dns/ полное сопротивление, импеданс
inertia /I'nE:Sq/ инерция
liquid-viscosity /'lIkwId vI'skPsqti/ вязкость, коэффициент вязкости жидкости
manufacture /ˏmxnju'fxktSq(r)/ производить
micromachining /'maIkrqVmq'Si:niN/ микрообработка
mixture /'mIkstSq(r)/ смесь
operate / 'PpqreIt/ работать
processing /prq'sesIN/ обработка
pure /pjVq(r)/ чистый
range /reIndZ/ диапазон, пределы (измерений)
ratio /'reISiqV/ отношение, коэффициент
recognition /ˏrekqg'nISn/ распознавание
replace /rI'pleIs/ заменять
resolution /ˏrezq'lu:Sn/ разрешающая способность, разрешение
selectivity /sqˏlek'tIvqti/ избирательность, разборчивость
sensitivity /ˏsensq'tIvqti/ чувствительность
cross-sensitivity /krPsˏsqnsq'tIvqti/ кросс-чувствительность
sensor /'sensq(r)/ измерительный преобразователь, датчик; преобразователь; детектор, устройство считывания

I. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns

replace, replaced, replaceable, replacement
process, processed, procession, processor
detect, detection, detector, detectable, detective
recognize, recognition, recognizable, recognizance
resolve, resolution, resolute, resolved

b) adjectives

computer, compute, computed, computational, computation
entity, entirely, entire, entirety
sense, sensitivity, sensor, sensitive, senseless, senselessness, sensible
vary, variety, various, varied
digit, digital, digitizer

II. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with:

a) similar meaning

digital a choose
computational b discovery
ratio c calculating
replace d fully
entirely e numerical
processing f machining
operate g substitute
detection h work
select i correlation

b) contrary meaning

entirely a concealment
detection b dirty
feedback c worsen
pure d partially
improve e separate
mix f homogeneous
various g disconnection
bond h direct coupling


III. Match the words with their definitions:

inertia a make suitable for a new use, need, situation
resolution b extent; distance between limits
range c process of separating into constituents
employ d make use of
adapt e make practical use of (research, a discovery)
technique f method of doing smth expertly
apply g property of matter by which it remains in a state of rest or, if it is in motion, continues in the same direction and in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an external force

IV. Study the text and try to understand all details.



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