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Word List. adapt /q'dxpt/ адаптировать alphanumeric /"xlfqnju: 'merIk/ буквенно-цифровой carrier /'kxriq/ носитель


adapt /q'dxpt/ адаптировать
alphanumeric /"xlfqnju: 'merIk/ буквенно-цифровой
carrier /'kxriq/ носитель
compatible /kqm'pxtqbl / совместимый
enable /I'neIbl/ позволять
evolution /"i:vq'lu:Sn/ развитие
instantaneously /"Instqn'teInIqsli/ незамедлительно, тотчас
integrated /'IntIgreItId/ встроенный, интегрированный
obtain /qb'teIn/ получить
printed matter /"prIntId'mxtq/ печатное издание, печатный материал
promote /prq'mqVt/ продвигать, способствовать, учреждать
remote /rI'mqVt/ отдаленный (удаленный)
still /stIl/ неподвижный, стационарный
successor /sqk'sesq/ преемник, наследник
technique /tek'ni:k/ технология
traffic /'trxfIk/ движение, трафик (объем данных, получаемых сервером (входящий трафик) или отправляемых сервером (исходящий трафик))
via /vi: q/, /'vaIq/ через


I. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns

evolve, evolutional, evolution, evolutionary
integrated, integrate, integration, integrity
carry, carrier, carrying, carried
adapt, adapter, adapted, adapting, adaptability, adaptable

b) adjectives

instant, instantly, instantaneous, instantaneously
communicate, communication, communicative, communicator
interact, interactive, interaction, interactively
numeric, numerically, numerous, numeration

II. Use the words in brackets in the appropriate forms to fit the spaces.

Digital network is an ideal (carrier, carry, carried) of data communication.
This service enables subscribers to exchange (corresponding, correspondent, correspondence) on an automatic memory to memory basis.
It’s a service (enable, enabling, enabled) a subscriber to obtain information over the public (switched, switch, switching) telecoms networks.
Larger networks of computers linked together become now (avail, available, availability).
Teleworking means working (remote, remotest, remotely) from an employer or normally expected place of work.
This system will use specially (adapting, adapted, adapt) word processors and electronic typewriters.

III. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with :

a) similar meaning

evolution a symbol
transmit b far
digit c through
technique d advance
remote e picture
via f let
enable g carry
image h equipment

b) contrary meaning

integrate a sender
useful b the same
advanced c exclude
still d impossible
receiver e disintegrate
various f useless
include g obsolete
possible h moving

IV. Match the words with their definitions.

transmission a to get something by making an effort
processing b the movement of messages or signals
obtain c to encourage something to happen, increase or spread
successor d sending out an electronic signal
promote e able to be used together
traffic f the thing you can get
compatible g a series of actions that computer performs on data to produce an output
available h a person or thing that comes after smb/ smth

V. Study the text and try to understand all details.


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