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Word List.

airtime /'eqtaIm/ эфирное время
capacity /kq'pxsqti/ емкость, способность
CDMA (a code-division multiple access technology) технология множественного доступа с разделением кода
decline /dI'klaIn/ уменьшаться, убывать
enormous /I'nO:mqs/ громадный, огромный
expansion /Ik'spxnSn/ рост, развитие, распространение, расширение
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) глобальная система мобильной связи
multiple /'mAltIpl/ многократный, многочисленный, множественный
spread /spred/ распространять(ся)
suggest /sq 'dZest/ предлагать
threat /Tret/ угроза
TDMA (time-division multiple access system) система с повременным делением

I. Study the following words and choose:

a) nouns

predict, prediction, predicting, predicted
increase, increasing, increasingly, increased
suggest, suggestively, suggestion, suggestive
attractable, attract, attractive, attractiveness

b) adjectives

access, accessible, accessibility, accession
compete, competitive, competitor, competition
reliability, rely on, reliable, reliably, reliance
expand, expansion, expansibility, expansible

II. Substitute the word in italics with a word below which makes the least change to the meaning of the sentence:

reliability diminished types increase
forecast characteristic aim benefits
provides particularly wide ring/call


There has been a big rise in sales figures this year.
The main purpose of this exercise is to increase awareness of customer needs.
An important feature of this equipment is its weight.
It is difficult to predict out turnover in the next two years.
The market for hardware has shrunk appreciably.
You must be careful, especially when choosing the model.
There are many advantages in choosing the lightweight model.
There are many kinds of phone with sophisticated facilities.
Can you phone me in the morning?
We have a broad range of products and services available.
The most important thing in safety equipment is its dependability.
Our company supplies testing equipment for the electronics industry.



III. Use these words taken from the passage to complete the sentences which follow:

undergo roaming reliability security shrink
expansion coverage competition on the move  


The extensive … (a) allows us to use our phones almost anywhere. People who are often … (b) benefit from mobile communications. We will … (c) many changes next year.

…(d) of information is important in the defence industry. The …(e) of the system is vital if we are to work in difficult conditions. In order to bring down prices, we need open …(f) between a range of suppliers. The …(g) of the market means a lot more potential customers. …(h) allows us to travel freely in Europe with our mobile phone. Do you think the size of equipment will … (i) below its present size?


IV. Match the words with their definitions.

air-time a transforming the signal into a series of binary digits/bits
analogue b a tendency/ a general move in one direction
digital c a network based on an infrastructure of cables
competition d a mobile system which uses digital technology and can be used in a number of European countries
coverage e a network based on radio communications
fixed network f to become smaller in size
mobile network g the period when a mobile phone is switched on being used for speech
network operators h transferring a call to another number
available i using wave modulation sampling techniques
roaming j a smartcard the size of a credit card or a stamp containing an individual subscriber’s details
service provider k a situation in which several companies offer similar services or products
shrink l ready to be used
trend m the area which can be reached
forward a call n companies which build and operate telecom networks and their services
GSM o the facility which allows a mobile phone user to use the same handset in different European countries
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) p companies which sell services through operators or dealers


V. Study the text and try to understand all details.


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