АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Put down the verbs. Translate the words.Model: use, to use – использовать call, to _______________ - _____________________ paint, to ______________ - ____________________ enter, to _____________ - ____________________ Translate the following words and word combinations in writing. the United Kingdom ______________________________ Ireland ___________________________________________ the United States __________________________________ Canada _______________________________________ New Zealand ____________________________________ Australia _________________________________________ Translate the following questions. 1. Are cereal crops grasses? 2. What are crops rich in? 3. What part of a diet does grain constitute? 4. How was the word 'cereal' derived? 5. What is the difference between grains, corn and maize? Read the text. Find the answers to the questions given above. Cereal crops or grains are mostly grasses cultivated for their edible grains or fruit seeds (i.e., botanically a type of fruit called a caryopsis). Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more energy worldwide than any other type of crop; they are therefore staple crops. They are also a rich source of carbohydrate. In some developing nations, grain constitutes practically the entire diet of poor people. In developed nations, cereal consumption is more moderate but still substantial. The word 'cereal' derives from 'Ceres', the name of the pre-Roman goddess of harvest and agriculture. Grains are traditionally called corn in the United Kingdom and Ireland, though that word became specified for maize in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Define the main idea of the text.
Lesson 2 Read the words. Ethiopia quinoa pseudo injera Einkorn Aztec Empire Fertile Crescent A) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. B) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English. fiber волокно, корень protein белок, протеин staple главный продукт nutty имеющий вкус ореха 3. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents: time range _________________________________________ the real impression ___________________________________ common products ___________________________________ so-called ___________________________________________ Change the words according to the model. Translate the words. Model: expansion, to expand – растягивать generalization, to ________________ - __________________ classification, to _________________ - __________________ reflection, to ____________________ - __________________ relation, to _____________________ - __________________ impression, to __________________ - ___________________ 5. Put down the Russian for: injera Kaсiwa wild rice buckwheat Durum semolina Master the words. teff - тэфф, полевичка абиссинская farina - крахмал, картофельная мука amaranth - амарант, щирица quinoa - лебеда кино, квиноа spelt wheat - пшеница культурная однозернянка Emmer - эммер, пшеница двузернянка Einkorn - пшеница однозернянка durum wheat - пшеница твёрдая Read and translate the text.