АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
PASSIVE VOICETask 1. Change Active into Passive: 1. I sent a letter yesterday. V1=send(irreg.) 2. She doesn’t lose the keys often. V1=lose(irreg.) 3. Has the mechanic already repaired our TV set? V1=repair(reg.)
Task 2. Change Passive into Active 1. The theatre was being built from 1826 to 1832 by the builders. V1=build(irreg.) 2. The vegetables aren’t sold by them every day. V1=sell(irreg.) 3. Will this article be published in the newspaper tomorrow by the press agency? V1=publish(reg.)
Task 3. Change the Tense of the Sentence According to a Time Marker: 1. The window was opened last night. V1=open(reg.) (since this morning, tomorrow morning, every morning) 2. The car won’t be bought tomorrow. V1=buy(irreg.) (at the moment, two days ago, by next season) 3. Was a room being rented last year from March to September? V1=rent(reg.) (by September, every season, since September)
Task 4. Use the Correct Helping Verb: 1. Madagascar … discovered by Portuguese in 1500. is has was will 2. Money … being spent on the building of roads today. isn’t hasn’t wasn’t won’t 3. … the problem been discussed already? Is Has Was Will
Task 5. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Телеграмма будет отправлена завтра к двум часам. V1=send(irreg.) 2. Меня не просили остаться. V1=ask(reg.) 3. Ей дали квартиру в этом доме? V1=give(irreg.)
Test 3 Variant 2 PASSIVE VOICE Task 1. Change Active into Passive: 1. They paid two thousand dollars for this collection of books. V1=pay(irreg.) 2. She isn’t cooking dinner at the moment. V1=cook(reg.) 3. Will you have passed your exams by the end of January. V1=pass(reg.)
Task 2. Change Passive into Active: 1. The shops are closed at 8 usually. V1=close(reg.) 2. The books weren’t returned to the library yesterday. V1=return(reg.) 3. Is TV being watched by anybody at the moment? V1=watch(reg.)
Task 3. Change the Tense of the Sentence According to a Time Marker: 1. My tape-recorder was repaired yesterday. V1=repair(reg.) (now, often, yesterday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) 2. This rule hasn’t been explained by our teacher yet. V1=explain(reg.) (next time, today, by next week) 3. Was this jacket made last night? V1=make(irreg.) (tomorrow, this week, when I came)
Task 4. Use the Correct Helping Verb: 1. The book … written in 1975. is has was will 2. The grass … being cut at the moment. isn’t hasn’t wasn’t won’t 3. … the cow been milked already? Are Have Were Will
Task 5. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Роман «Герой нашего времени» был написан М. Лермонтовым. V1=write(irreg.) 2. Снег не чистят на этой неделе. V1=clean(reg.) 3. Детей будут учить итальянскому языку в следующем году? V1=teach(irreg.)
Test 3 Variant 3