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The subject matter of phonetics and its connection with other sciencesТаблица1 Снижение уровней звукового давления в дБ трубчатыми глушителями шума, устанавливаемыми на всасывании воздуха компрессорных установок, при скорости потока до 10 м/с (звукопоглощающий материал - супертонкое стеклянное или базальтовое волокно со средней объемной плотностью соответственно 25 и 20 кг/м3)
Таблица 2 Снижение уровней звукового давления в дБ вертикальными трубчатыми глушителями шума, устанавливаемыми на выходе компрессорных и мелких газотурбинных установок при скорости потока до 10 м/с (звукопоглощающий материал - минераловатные плиты, = 100 кг/м3, толщина звукопоглощающего слоя 100 мм)
Таблица 3 Снижение уровней звукового давления в дБ пластинчатыми глушителями шума, устанавливаемыми в бетонных или кирпичных шахтах при скорости потока не выше 15 м/с
Таблица4 Снижение уровней звукового давления в дБ секционными, вертикальными глушителями шума, с цилиндрическими сетчатыми звукопоглотителями, наполненными керамзитом (фракция 3-6 мм)
The subject matter of phonetics and its connection with other sciences
Phonetics is connected with linguistic and non-linguistic sciences. The connection of phonetics with grammar, lexicology and stylistics is exercised through orthography [ ] or (via[ ]) which in its term is very closely connected with phonetics. Phonetics formulates the rules of pronunciation for separate sounds and sound combinations. The rules of reading are based on the relation of sounds to orthography and present certain difficulties in learning, the English language especially or the initial stage of studying. Thus, vowel sounds, for instance, are pronounced not only as we name the letters corresponding to them. The letter: -a- as [ei], -e- as [i:], -i- as [ai], -y- as [ai], -u-u as [ju:], -o- as [ou]. But we can pronounce the letter –a- as [a:] e.g. car, [æ] e.g. cat, as [eə] e.g. care. The letter –e- as [i:] e.g. Pete, as [e] e.g. pen, etc. Through the system of rules of reading phonetics is connected with grammar and helps to pronounce correctly: singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense forms and past participles of English regular verbs. E.g. [d] is pronounced after voiced consonants, e.g. to bag –bagged. [t] is pronounced after voiceless consonants: to wish- wished. [id] is pronounced after [t] and [d] : to want –wanted, to decide – decided. Some adjectives have a form with – ed- (irregular adjectives): e.g. crooked, naked, [id] ragged It is only if we know that [s] is pronounced after voiceless consonants, e.g. books, [z] after voiced e.g. bags, and [iz] sibilants e.g. boxes, dresses. One of the most important phonetic phenomena is sound interchange. It is another manifestation of the connection of phonetics with grammar , e.g. this connection may be observed in the category of number. Thus the interchange of [f] – [v], e.g. wife – wives; [s]-[z] house-houses, helps to differentiate singular and plural forms of such nouns as calf-calves, leaf-leaves, house – houses, etc. Vowel interchange helps to distinguish the singular and the plural of such words as bases [is] but basis [iz], crisis –crises, analysis –analyses and also: man-men, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice. Vowel interchange is connected with tense forms of irregular verbs, e.g. sing-sang-sung; write-wrote-written. Vowel interchange can also help to distinguish between words: 1. nouns and verbs: bath-bathes 2. adjectives and nouns: hot –hit 3. verbs and adjectives: moderate – moderate 4. nouns and nouns: shade –shadow 5. nouns and adjective: type-typical Vowel interchange can also be observed on onomatopoetic: cheap-chop, flap-flop, hip-hop. Consonants can interchange in different parts of speech, e.g., in nouns and verbs: 1. extent – extend 2. mouth-mouth 3. relief-relieve