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Work out answers to the following questions.


1 Which devices prevail in the passage, lexical or syntactic? Why do you think?

2 What effect do the syntactic devices produce on the reader?

3 What effect does an I-narration produce on the reader?


204 In the last but one paragraph the narrator says: I don’t care who gets the money. But I do care very much who does not get it. The bold ‘do’ is a orphological means of expressing emphasis and should be accentuated when read aloud. It is commonly referred to as ‘emphatic ‘do’. Read for more means of expressing emphasis and do the exercises that follow.


Changing word order
Fronting and inversion   - the normal word order is changed so that that a prepositional phrase is emphasised before the verb with the subject preceeding it. - the order of clauses in a sentence is changed with a clause that would normally not be the first - time phrases are put first to emphasize the time refernce. - May clauses with the inverted word order. Cleft and pseudo cleft sentences - emphatic ‘it’ - emphatic ‘it’ + because - it + modal axiliaries - What clauses + need, want, like, hate, etc. - What clauses + auxiliary do - clauses beginning with all which emphasise ‘the only thing’     Suddenly down came the rain! Up in the air went the balloon. Where the money is coming from, I don’t know.   At six o’clock Monica decided to call the police. Difficult as/though it may seem/be, it is not impossible. It was Sue who borrowed my bike. It was lastnight that she did it. It was because I felt ill that I left. It can’t have been the same book that you read. What I hate is rainy weather. What you need is a holiday. What Peter did was (to) leave the windows unlocked. What they are doing is destroying the environment. All I need is another $15.
Adding words
Own –intensifies possessive adjectives Very –means ‘exactly, precisely’ Very ….indeed–used to intensify adjectives Emphasising negatives: Not + at all, in the least/slightest, really     No, none + all, whatsoever The– it can emphasize uniqueness and is heavily stressed in speech an pronounced as [Di:]. Question words ending in – ever–they add an air of disbelief to the question.   The insertion of ‘do you think’ into a clause to express the speaker’s negative attitude towards the interlocutor’s action. Note the change in the sentence structure. Emphatic ‘do’–it not only emphasises the verb but is also used in polite forms. Adverbs and adjectives (intensifiers and evaluative words) - actually, by all, by no means,even, sheer[+/-] (простой, сплошной, абсолютный ), utter[-]полный, совершенный, абсолютный)   - absolutely, quite/completely, utterly (-), simply, just + adjeectives     Echoing phrases with so.   It was my own idea. At the very same moment, the telephone rang.   It was very cold indeed. It was not at all cold. (It was not cold at all). I wasn’t interested in the slightest. I wasn’t the least bit interested. There were none left at all. There were no tickets left whatsoever. Surely, you are not the Elizabeth tailor, are you?   Whatever are you doing? Whoever told you that?     Cf. 1. What are you doing? – Что делаешь? (Чем занимаешься?) 2. Whatever are you doing? – Чем это ты занимаешься? 3) What do you think you are doing! – Ты что это себе позволяешь?! I do hope I’ll come again. Do sit down!     I actually went inside one of the Pyrmids. It is by no means certain that the match will take place. Some people were even wearing pullovers, it was so cold. Her performance was sheer magic! This book is utter nonsense. It was absolutely fantastic! The third exam question was quite/completely impossible. This guide book is utterly useless. You were simply wonderful! Don’t cook the meat any more. It’s just right. This is the book you are looking for – So it is!
Other means
Time phrases: day after day, time and time again, over and over again; day in, day out (from day to day) Repetition of the main verb Use of an absolute possessive at the beginning of the clause instead of two dependent ones. David reads the same book over and over again.   I tried and tried, but it was no use.   Cf. Their marriage was a successful marriage – Theirs was a successful marriage.


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