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I. In this exercise, you are to either establish a connection with what is stated or explain what the statement implies.Model:Stories and poems describing nature, ‘novels of ideas’, stories presenting the stream of consciousness. They have no plots.
1 The writer does not follow all the in which the characters would participate in real life during the span of the time covered by the story. 2 Every event in the plot is suggestive. 3 Man against man, man against nature, man against society, etc. 4 Man against himself. 5 One the one hand, they are suggested by contradictions in reality, on the other, they are affected by the writer’s outlook, his personality, and the way he views people, events, problems. 6 They are normally localized. 7 It helps to evoke the necessary atmosphere or mood, or reinforce characterization, or it may be a reflection of the inner state of a character, or place the character in a recognizable realistic environment, etc. 8 It answers the Wh-questions. They become tenser as the plot moves toward the moment of decision. 9 It may affect the atmosphere and introduce the necessary mood; it may increase the tension and the reader’s suspense, and in this way affect the reader’s emotional response to the story. 10 A straight line narrative presentation, a complex narrative structure, a circular pattern and a frame structure. 11 The order in which the writer presents the information. 12 An important factor in storytelling when the reader is uncertain of some things or suspects certain facts. 13 Narration, description, reasoning, direct speech (monologue, dialogue), represented speech, quotations, the author’s digressions.
213 Read the story that follows and say: · what literary representational form/s it involves(Ex. 152, quest. 14); · what kind of narrative structure the story has; · whether its plot is fixed or not; · what components it includes and what purpose each of them serves; · whether there are deviations from the traditional model; · what kind of conflict is revealed here; · what stylistic devices and expressive means the author employs.
214 Now summarize your analysis data from the previous exercise and characterize the story in terms of its plot, plot structure and stylistic devices. You may follow this model or work out your own. Brackets (…) stand for introductory or parenthetical words and phrases to be inserted.
(…) The story under discussion is a piece of narration mixed with a dialogue. (…) It has a …………………………. Narrative structure and includes such components as ………………………………………………………………………....... (….). The plot is fixed here. In the …………………………………………….. we are acquainted with the ……………………… character, Stan Murch by name, who is ……………………………………………………………………………He seems to be a bit impatient or even worried as …………………………………………............................................... The the …………………………………. Follow. Stan sees ........................................................................................................ And the reader understands that he was a thief and his purpose was to steal a car. And this is the ……………………………… of the story which takes the form of ………………................................................................................... As the reader doesn’t suspect it until the last moment. (…) we can’t say that the story abounds in …………………………………………………………………………... stylistic devices. (…), there are few of them. For example, ……………………………………………………................................ 215 Culture focus. Understanding the story (and a story) also depends on the background information which is embodied in culture specific words denoting various concepts of this or that culture. They may be both explicit and implicit. Look at the words below and explain their culture specific meanings.
216 What implicit meaning do these words convey witth reference to one of the characters? The Hilton a Chrysler Imperial a camel’s hair coat
217 A comprehensive analyis of a work of fiction includes, among other things, the summary of the text (both the summary of the plot and the summary of the idea) which in its turn requires a working knowledge of some ‘technical terms’, that is words and expressions used while giving a summary of a piece of fiction. Below is a tentative outline of how this can be done. Study it carefully and then pracise it summarizing the plot of a story you have recently read.