АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Раздел 2.2.
2.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:
2.2.2. Прочитайте текст и назовите, какие возможности получить работу есть у британской молодёжи:
Sixteen is a crucial age. This is when young men and women have to decide whether to stay at school, to go on to a college, to look for a job, or to start a Young Training Program. All have to think about gaining employment in a job market which demands increasingly skilled workers. Most study for “A” and “AS” level qualifications. These are two-year courses in single subject. Students will usually take two or three subjects which may be combined with one or two “AS” courses. These are offered by schools and colleges. The government is keen that more young people should stay on at school or college for the period between 16 and 18, not just to do academic work but also to gain practical skills which will prepare them for employment. Colleges of further education offer a number of more vocationally orientated courses for 16 to 18 year-olds. Vocational qualifications prepare young people for work in various occupations such as business, engineering, administration, catering and tourism. Vocational qualifications are reformed into National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and General NVQs (GNVQs). NVQs are designed for people at work, although they can be taken at colleges and at some schools. GNVQ’s introduced from September 1992 are designed primarily for young people in full-time education in schools and colleges. They are a vocational alternative to “A” levels and offer a broad-based vocational education for a range or related jobs within an occupational area such as business, art and design or health and social care. They also provide a ladder towards higher levels of study, including higher education, and to employment. After their period in further education young people have the opportunity to go on to higher education in a university, polytechnic or college, provided they have good “A” level exam results or good passes in vocational qualifications. Unless they are fortunate enough to have a job to go to, the first stop for young people entering the job market at 16 is their local Job centre or careers office. Some school careers advisers teach such skills as filling out a curriculum vita or writing letters applying for jobs but for many young people this is uncharted territory. Youth workers in the Youth Service organizations also give advice and counseling. A large number of 16 and 17 year-olds enter Youth Training programs established by the Government as a means of helping young people to gain vocational experience through training which can lead to National Vocational Qualifications at level II and above. The Government guarantees a place on the scheme to everybody under 18 who is not in full-time education or in work. Youth training programs, which include the Youth Credits initiative cover a wide range of vocational skills from hairdressing to engineering and a large percentage of trainees are able to find work once they have completed a Youth Training course. Another option is to become self-employed. This requires a product or service which has a clear market as well as good advice and motivation. It isn’t easy as is testified by the high proportion of business start-ups which fail during their first year. However, a number of organizations offer grants as well as start-up advice. For example the Prince’s Youth Business Trust (assister of The Prince’s Trust organization) helps unemployed and disadvantaged 18 to 29 year-olds set up viable businesses and provides grants and loans to both individuals and groups. The Shell-sponsored Livewire scheme helps young people between 16 and 25 to start business enterprise with advice and cash awards. Free advice is offered by the network of Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs), co-ordinated through the Department of Trade and Industry and run by professional advisers and business people. Also the Business Enterprise Program provides training in skills needed to run small business.
2.2.3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. Why is sixteen a crucial age? 2. Where one can study to gain “A” or “AS” levels? 3. What courses are provided for young people in schools and colleges? 4. Where do young people get advice about entering the job market? 5. What do you know about Youth Training course? 6. Do most business start-ups succeed or fail? 7. What organizations help young people to start their own business? 8. What program provides training if a young man wants to start small business?
2.2.4. В каждом абзаце найдите предложение, выражающее его основную мысль. Озаглавьте каждый абзац.
2.2.5. Составьте план текста на русском языке.
2.2.6. Переведите составленный план на английский язык.
2.2,7. Напишите краткое изложение текста на английском языке.
2.2.8. Прочитайте диалог. Выучите его и разыграйте по ролям.
N: Hallo, Ann! How are you? A: Fine! Thanks. And how are you getting on, Nancy? N: O.K. Nice to meet you again. A: Let me walk you about the university. I am good at showing people about. N: Oh, it’s great! Please, do. A: Our university was founded more than two hundred years ago. The old buildings are in the center of the city. And this one was built half a centutury ago.It looks really great, doesn’t it? N: Yes, it does. And what are these two buildings made of concrete and glass? A: They house many departments of our university. There is a gymnasium on your right. Sports competitions are held there. N: What is this small building on our left? A: It’s a church. It was founded in the 18th century. It is very beautiful, there are old icons inside. N: Now I see the university is really a big place. One can get lost here. It impressed me greatly.